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Glad to hear he is ok, Aly. And sorry about your mom. now you can just.... breathe
Aly, I am so very glad your husband doesn't have the worst case scenario. I remember being told we've all got disk problems by mid life, but for some there is no pain involved, while for others (your husband) it's extremely painful.

So sorry for your mother. That's a bad place for a break... osteoporosis is mean! How are your bones doing?
Great big sigh of relief.

Dear Aly,
I am so happy your husband got a "good' diagnosis. Poor Mom, hope it goes well for her.
blessings, Pat
I am relieved Aly! Being a nurse too, I know we always imagine the worst because we too much about the worst possibilities. Take care sweetie.
Thank you all again. How I wish I could share a cup with you all. Need to see more of the states so you never know! If anyone wants to visit NZ we have a wheelchair friendly house ( just in case) you would be most welcome, and I mean it.

Good news for your hubby. Heavens, who but a PALS would say such a thing! :) Sorry for his pain and hopefully he is on the mend - at least until the next time a disc decides to go out!

Sorry for your mum - and not just because she broke her arm - but darn it, she had to cut her holiday short!

I'm sitting on pins and needles waiting to hear from my son. He took his 39 yr. old wife to Mayo in Rochester last week for the removal of a soft tissue sarcoma on her hip. Some kind of rare cancer and we are waiting to hear how invasive it might be. Possible limb removal before treatment can be started. Waiting to hear is stressful.

They have 2 kids ages 10 and 6 who really need a mom. Here I sit not able to take care of myself let alone help them now -- just makes me feel so angry at this disease. IT (ALS) takes away more than movement but energy too. Especially when we want to try and be of assistance to others. URGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!

But for the disease, I wouldn't know you - and others in this forum family - so I suppose I should be thankful for it.

You are right, Roderick - it is a roller coaster ride. :)

DEar Diane,
Sorry to hear about your DIL. It is so frustrating not being able to help.I Know the feeling.
I pray she gets a good prognosis. blessings, Pat
I always heard you NZ people are the happiest around, you sure seem to be the some of the kindest as well. Sure looks like a ovely place.
Dianne.... Oh I am so sorry. It must be horrible waiting. These illnesses do turn everything upside down. People with terminal illnesses like PALS, see life very differently, they must and in doing so they are treasures. You are all so loving, so amazing. Will be thinking of you during this hard time.
Have just come in from feeding my old pony. She is almost 32. Skin and bone, but otherwise not a stiff joint to be seen. SPCA was called recently, so I got a knock on the door. I explained that she was very old, but loved and well cared for. I gave her a big brush and cried. I love her but don't think I can take her through the winter coming. Oh what to do!
Not sure how that connects with the love I feel for you guys. Any way......

Yes NZ is an amazing place. We are very blessed to live here. I think over all we are relaxed and happy people, but as with the rest of the world it is changing as we put ourselves first and think we are omnipotent!

But it still rocks:) love you all
Ally, my thought and prayers are with you and your family. I'm so sorry that you had to go through this.
I think it sounds like you handled it well given your circumstances. I am so happy to be your new friend and I really do think you did it all right and you came here for support.
Be safe and well,
Aly I so hope and pray for you and your family! Will be praying he gets good news ok! You hang in there. Your friends are here for you.. Love Joni
boy what a platefull you have on your hands wishing you some peace soon
I am glad that your husband will be OK. I hope your Mom heals up quickly as well!
Thanks again. I have just visited my Mum. Took hubby who is still miserable. They compared narcotics, bless them. Hubby took one of my Mums , now he is in fog land LOL.

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