Right leg pain and weakness

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New member
Nov 5, 2024
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Las Vegas
Hello. I am coming here as I feel like I need to reach out to informed individuals. Six weeks ago I woke up with what I perceived to be weakness in my right leg. There was pretty decent pain to my lateral calf and I feel like I have to use my entire leg to lift my foot. It is uncomfortable to walk or drive. When I have seen a neurologist or my primary they feel that this is a perceived weakness that is not demonstrated on exam. I had an MRI of my lumbar spine, which showed a minimal disc bulge no significant arthritis or nerve impingement. I had an EMG and nerve conduction study done, which was reportedly negative. I have borderline increased reflexes in my right leg. I felt like the pain started in my calf and ankle howecer, I now have pain in my right lower back hip and thigh as well as my lateral calf ankle and foot. I do not have foot drop but am feeling like my foot is not working properly, I am not tripping. I am able to heel and toe walk it's just very uncomfortable. The pain and the feeling of weakness is only getting worse. I have signed up for physical therapy. I am pending chiropractor appointment. i tried massage and stretching without improvement. Tried a course of steroids for possible sciatica with no improvement however with a negative mri of the lumbar spine it seems hard to believe it's that. I am curious if anyone has experienced similar symptoms? For those who are well-versed if you can explain to me why this is not concerning for als? The Neurologist dismissed it rather quickly. I completed an MRI of my brain, which was normal apart from one lesion that has been present for two years. I'm pending an MRI of my cervical thoracic spine. Any input or recommendations would be helpful. Even if it's for additional testing, I should try to pursue, thanks in advance for your time.

I wanted to add. i have intermittent fasiculations and excessive yawning. Those were the other two symptoms discussed with neurology. Some days the fasiculations are really bad specifically to my left thigh (my unaffected leg) and my right back. The yawning varies. I have had days where i yawn 20 times in an hour and days where i do not notice it at all.
The hallmark of ALS is painless clinical weakness ( weakness detected on the exam and manifested by failure to be able to do all the things you say you can). Pain may come later when there is so much failure the joints are unsupported.

You have pain and no clinical weakness and a normal emg. All those say not ALS.

It sounds like an orthopedic issue so I would give pt a chance. I would approach chiropractic with caution as manipulation may make this worse
thank you nikki, there is definite pain. I will try physical therapy and go from there. I think i was just hoping it would get better with time and it's getting worse. I hope you have a great night
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