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  • Just checking on you Judy, I hope you're doing okay. Pop in and let us know how you are :)
    Hi Judy, nice to hear from you! I'm doing ok, not walking at all anymore but I can still stand a bit. How are you doing?
    Hi Judy, thank you for your input..I think I will get all info I need when I go to medical supply store when they call where my doc sent preciption for one, thinking they are not knowlegable about this but hope they can order proper one I will need even down the road. Thanks again, diane
    Dear Judy
    If you have trouble sending me emails please contact Joel at our site (Administrator) and tell him to please give you my home email address.

    Hi Judy, yes my arms and legs are now going. I can still walk a bit in the house with my walker but that's it. My first symptom in July 2007 was slurred speech and after I had a bunch of tests I was given a dx of bulbar onset ALS. I had no limb symptoms at all then although the EMG/NCV tests showed a problem with my right arm and left leg. Sure enough in early 2009 I started having problems with these limbs. I sure hope you have no limb problems ever or for a very long time at least. It sucks not being able to do anything!
    Hi there, hope alls well. Yea I was way off about my pls comment. Not sure where my brain was that day. It can of course start with bulbar. Dah.... So sorry. I just haven't done much research about it because it hasn't affected my speech.
    Thinking of you
    I had the EMG done last Spring and he only did one side of my body. From my feetnto my face. He did not do my tongue. I was still living in Upstate NY then and had it done in Glens Falls Hospital.
    Hi Judy-
    I hope you are comforted by the love and support of the wonderful people that have already welcomed you on this site. I was curious about your negative EMG. I had one myself a few weeks ago that was negative. Was yours done on both arms and legs plus the tongue? Where was the test done?
    Barry, is a good friend to have, one of the good guys that is for sure. So nothing showed on the EMG.. How about during your clinical how much UMN showed?
    Hi Judy, nice to know you and for sure if there is anything I can do just let me know. Us speechless types gotta stick together!
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