Terms of Use
ALS forums provides a free service to people affected by ALS. We offer a moderated support forum with the goal of helping individuals that have been directly, or indirectly affected by ALS.
While the administrators and moderators of this forum will attempt to remove or edit any generally objectionable material as quickly as possible, it is impossible to review every posted message. We thank you in advance for your good behavior and cooperation and hope you find this resource to be a friendly environment and a helpful asset in your fight against motor neuron disease. We hope you understand the need for the rules below and how they protect our members.
Our terms of service, including our forum rules are intended for the well-being of our forum users, web visitors, members, and the general public.
Website Disclaimer
ALS forums is not a replacement for professional medical opinion, examination, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your medical doctor or other qualified health professional before starting any new treatment or making any changes to existing treatment. Do not delay seeking or disregard medical advice based on information written by any author on this site. No health questions and information on ALS forums is regulated or evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. Therefore, the information should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease without the supervision of a medical doctor. Posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author, and not the administrators, moderators, or editorial staff and hence ALS forums and its principals will accept no liabilities or responsibilities for the statements made.
Submitting Content
By submitting content, you agree to:
- Stay on topic; keep relevant to the topic that prompted feedback/discussion; primarily use the language that the original topic is in for content submission (English)
- Engage in quality discussion as though it were face-to-face; avoid profanity, no personal attacks, no harassment, calling-out, avoid being vulgar, offensive, etc. Use extra discretion and etiquette when a topic is sensitive.
- Not post hate speech, libel, fraudulent, misleading, threatening or otherwise illegal content.
- Not post private information about yourself or third parties (e.g. addresses, phone numbers, financial or legal information, pornography).
- Not spam by posting commercial or repetitive content, including external site links. Don’t post any links unless you’re certain the destination site is free from malware/phishing or other compromising software.
- Not post copyrighted material that you do not hold the rights to or own. Use attribution when appropriate.
- Where tools exist, please help us and report content submissions that violate these guidelines.
Goals and Purpose of our Support Group
The forum is intended to be a helpful, friendly, human resource for individuals affected by, or with questions about ALS and MND. The following activities are encouraged:
- Asking questions
- Sharing experiences
- Providing answers
- Friendly banter
- Laughter
- Providing emotional support
Conditions of Service
You acknowledge that all posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author and not the administrators, moderators, or webmaster, and therefor only the author can be held liable, not the other users mentioned. The information on this webpage serves as the Terms of Service (TOS) for ALSforums.com and MUST be followed by all users of this website.
Failure to follow our Terms of Service will result in an immediate and potentially permanent ban of your user account.
You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned (and your service provider being informed). The IP address of all posts is recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that the webmaster, administrator and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit.
As a user you agree to any information you have entered above being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent the webmaster, administrator and moderators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.
Deleting Posts
Editing and deleting of posts is at the discretion of the moderators, site owners, webmaster and administrators of ALSforums.com. Refusal of membership and suspension or termination of existing membership is at the discretion of the Administrators. Banned members who are found registering under an alias will/can be banned immediately.
Forum Rules
ALS forums support group is here as a place for individuals affected by ALS to share their stories, ask questions, get answers, and provide care and love for one another.
We ask that any individuals affiliated with, in questionable collaboration with, in secret partnership with, or organized with any online marketing promotions, website linking as a form of website promotion, pharmaceutical or equipment sales, or looking to increase their websites' online exposure COMPLETELY refrain from posting on our forums.
If you are unsure about the website links you are providing, and the content of the websites you are off-linking to, please refrain from posting the link entirely. Posting links to any websites that promote, or are in any way affiliated with the sale of products can/may cause you to be banned.
Unacceptable Behavior
Activity contrary to the purpose of this forum can and may lead to a permanent ban of your membership account without warning. Please be respectful to all members.
The following are unacceptable:
- NO posting foul language, abuse, etc
- NO posting miracle cure information solely for the purposes of promoting, or "hyping" said miracle for the purposes of financial gain
- NO posting full articles from other sources (please try to summarize the article where possible, or provide a link to the original article) (please see Acceptable Link Posting guidelines below)
- Please keep your posts on topic and in relation to the forum topics (ALS/MND or information related to motor neuron disease)
- DO NOT post links to websites with questionable content (if you're not sure refrain from posting the link)
- NO excessive link posting
- NO cross-posting or repetitive posting
- Abusive posters, off topic posts, or online marketers will not be tolerated (no second chances)
- NO posting any "Trolling" threads related to miracle cure medicines or related products (these are an instant ban)
Changes in Terms and Rules
We reserve the right to amend any of the above rules without notice. It is your responsibility to check the forum and this page for changes in our Terms of Service.
Website Content and Copyright
Non-profit, non-commercial publications may reprint information from this web site if full credit is given to the articles author. Others organizations and individuals please contact us.
We do not guarantee the accuracy of articles, and they are not meant to provide any legal, medical, or affirmed advice. Publication, product, and company names may be registered trademarks of their companies. ALS forums does not endorse the practices or policies of the sites linked to or from our forum pages; they are provided for informational purposes only.
In accordance with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, you are strictly prohibited from gathering or 'harvesting' any email addresses found on this web site.
The ALS/MND Support Group Staff work hard to ensure that the information we provide on our Web site is accurate, timely, and useful. However, the information contained on the ALS/MND Support Group Web site should not be considered medical guidance or professional advice.
Acceptable Link Policies
Acceptable link posting includes:
- Links to other legitimate North American, Canadian or United Kingdom non-profit websites
- Links to legitimate scientific websites
- Single links to user-based sites
- Links to legitimate and recognized educational institution websites (example: Cambridge, Stanford, etc)
- Links to authoritative and/or community patrolled websites (example: Wikipedia)
- Links to legitimate news websites (Example: BBC, MSN)
Unacceptable Link Posting Practices:
- Links to other community websites (especially non-policed and non-moderated forums)
- Links to any promotional or advertised website
- Links for the purpose of advertising
- Links to non-authoritative websites
- Links to websites that contain misleading information
- Links to un-moderated user-based sites
Thank You For Your Cooperation
We thank you in advance for your good behavior and cooperation and hope you find this resource to be a friendly environment and a helpful asset in your fight against motor neuron disease. We hope you understand the need for the rules above and how they protect the individuals that use this service.
Our terms of service and rules are intended for the well-being of our users.
If you do not agree with the above terms of service and the included rules please do not use our forums and exit this website now by clicking here.
Cancellation Policy
At ALSforums.com, we value your membership and strive to provide an enriching and supportive community experience. Memberships are offered on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis and include access to our community software, an ad-free browsing experience, additional website features, and exclusive forum access.
If you wish to cancel your membership, please note the following:
Cancellation Timing:
Cancellations must be submitted via email to [email protected] before the renewal date of your membership term (monthly, quarterly, or annual).
Once a membership is renewed, it cannot be canceled for that term.
How to Cancel:
Send an email to [email protected] with your membership details, including your registered email address and username, requesting cancellation.
You will receive a confirmation email once your cancellation request has been processed.
Important Notes:
Late cancellation requests, i.e., those made after the renewal date, will not be honored for the current term. In such cases, the membership will remain active until the end of the paid term.
It is the responsibility of the member to ensure timely cancellation to avoid unwanted charges.
Refund Policy
We do not offer refunds for membership fees under any circumstances. All payments made for memberships at ALSforums.com are final and non-refundable. This policy applies to all membership plans, whether monthly, quarterly, or annual.
By subscribing to our membership plans, you acknowledge and agree to this no-refund policy. We encourage members to utilize the benefits of their membership during the paid term, including ad-free browsing and access to exclusive features and forums.
If you have any questions about our policies or need assistance with your account, please contact us at [email protected].