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LouLou I was thinking the Michelin man but thought he might have been an Australian thing lolol
One last one, how about a the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man suit from Ghostbusters

>Max, didn't you write it as rule #1, yet you are falling A LOT now?


yup, just gave up walking after Friday 911 fall. oh well, so it goes :)
Max I know it would have been hard but walking is underrated when you are on your face with injuries xxxxx

Mike great idea you could even walk right over the top of buildings then!
I was going to recommend big rolls of bubble wrap! My PALS says he has the take offs and flying part down but has trouble with the landings! He now also tells people that he is no longer allowed to walk without adult supervision. I put that rule in place after his last landing.

Max, are you listening?

Speaking of falls...just had my first major one, outside in the dark...I know...gotta be my own fault right?. Early in the piece I stumbled I guess, thankfully onto the bed or lounge, or managed to grab the table or similar . Once recently into the spa. Today's fall however was quite unladylike. Don't forget I'm 6ft, it was a long way down.
My left (good) fingers are very sore, as is my neck, right shoulder, my ankles and I have a bruise on my left b**b.
For peace of mind I'm going to the doctor in the morning (it's night here).
No wonder it's Rule # 1...will try and abide by it from now on!
God bless, Janelle x
Before I got my PWC, I was falling a lot while using a rollator. Now both shoulders are damaged and usually quite painful. I began looking online for some type of inconspicuous shoulder and upper body protection. The best thing I came up with was a soccer-player's shirt! It has shoulder and chest padding built right in and protects very well. And it doesn't make you look like the Incredible Hulk. In fact, its kind of sporty looking.... I love it!

I also wear a "bump cap" that looks just like a baseball hat. It gets kinda hot during summer, but its less conspicuous than a full-blown goalie helmet.

Although the Sumo wrestler outfit sounds intriguing, I hope this helps someone! Tractor
I also wear elbow pads (found in sporting goods stores, football section).
Before I got my PWC, I was falling a lot while using a rollator. Now both shoulders are damaged and usually quite painful. I began looking online for some type of inconspicuous shoulder and upper body protection. The best thing I came up with was a soccer-player's shirt! It has shoulder and chest padding built right in and protects very well. And it doesn't make you look like the Incredible Hulk. In fact, its kind of sporty looking.... I love it!

This rings true for me to.....I fell a 2.5 years ago and ripped my right rotator cuff and my bicep tendon. I had to get it repaired right away because I could not even move or lift my arm.
Rotator Cuff surgery is a painful thing to go through, rehab takes at least 6 months, but often takes a year to fully heal.
I fell about three months ago and tore my left rotator cuff, I don't want to go through the surgery again......but I need to in order to have strength and full ROM.
When I fall, I tend to reach my hands out to ease the fall. It's hell on the shoulders and elbows.
CORRECTION. ! Above I stated that I found a soccer shirt for upper body protection. I meant to say the protective apparell is designed for RUGBY ! It makes a BIG difference. The particular one I'm very happy with is called a "Gilbert Atomic Rugby Shoulder Protector." I got mine through Amazon. I have no allegiance to this brand other than it was exactly what I needed for should protection during falls. Add a couple football-style elbow protectors and I'm ready for battle!

Sorry for any bad. Tractor
Well, I did it again.... I did something that triggered my post to go to our moderators. I hope this one doesn't because I want to make a correction to my post above. I mistakenly said I was happy with shoulder protection fom a soccer shirt..... It was actually a RUGBY shoulder protector! Rugby is a very physical and high contact sport and the protective wear is very well designed.
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