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New member
Apr 6, 2008
Friend was DX
I know you can claim short term disability, but does anyone know if you can claim long term disability with ALS? My Dad, 62, is still working full time and wants to take disability, but my parents are afraid he might not be eligible for long term disability. This will cause him to retire meaning he would lose his health insurance. Has anyone come acreoss this situation and how did you handle it? I am just worried as I know the financial ramifications down the road will only increase.

Thanks for your input.
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long term disability

Hi my name is Roger, I am 36 years old and have been diagnosed with PLS for 2 years
now. I decided to quit work in April last year. I started out on short term disability for
6 months and then it turned into long term disability no problem. I also filed for social
security disability and started receiving benefits 1 month after applying. He should not have any trouble receiving both. I was told that ALS and PLS are automatics.
To sgilbert

Not so fast. Depends on what your Dad has at work. LTD is NOT automatic.

My husband applied for long term disability through his workplace. Policies vary and some companies do not offer this type of insurance at all. Assuming that your father's workplace does offer the LTD policy, there most likely will be a waiting period that is required before payments would begin. (His doc would need to give him the records to give the insurance company along with a letter explaining diagnosed -trust me- they will approve the disability.) At the same time your father would need to apply for Social Security Disability. With a diagnosed of ALS the SS case manager is supposed to automatically approve the disability, as ALS is described as TERI (terminal) in the SS rules and regs. Even though he would be approved he would still most likely have to wait 6 months for payments to begin. Medicare would also be approved and would start in 5 months. Reading various forums regarding disability, I see that the start of payments seem to vary from state to state (and probably depend on the case manager). Anyway, your father should be approved for SSDI/Medicare within 30 days of application.

Medicare will be better in the long run probably than his group insurance policy. For example, my husband had 4 rxs filled yesterday and the grand total was $4.66.

Also, if your dad isn't aware of this, the MDA can be helpful in purchasing a power wheelchair and the ALSA has a loaner closet with equipment that your dad won't have to pay for.

Please let us know how you and your family is doing. The paperwork that a PALS has to go through to just survive is very daunting. So please feel free to ask any more questions you may have, as there are plenty of people here with experience.

Very sorry for dad's diagnosed.
Thank you all very much for your input and kind words, and please know that my heart goes out to you and your families and I wish you all well.

He does ideed have long term diasbility as a benefit through his employer, but they were not sure if ALS qualified since this is not a condition that you are able to recover from and return in a year or two. So according to your feedback it seems that it will depend upon the fine print of the policy his work offers and the rules here in AZ. My Dad has an appointment scheduled at work with a benefits advisor, so hopefully this will shed a light on things. I just wanted to do some homework to make sure the right questions are asked and that he doesn't get stuck signing something he shouldn't.

Thanks again everyone.

Please let us know the results of your father's meeting. LTD is for something you CANNOT return to work for. Do NOT let them JACK your DAD around! STD is for returning to work.

Believe me, we've been through so much to get where we are today. I would like to spare y'all the trouble.
Also, if your Dad is represented by a union, you may want to get them involved. Jimmercat is right, make sure you do not let them yerk you around. I get LTD or until I am 65, or unltil SSD gets approved. Best Wishes, Peg
als and long term disability in vets

Hi Everyone,

I had to stop working due to "neurological problems" and I could not get long term disability because it was considered a "war related illness". So, it was an exclusion from the LTD policy.

I did get VA benefits, but they are not as good as LTD at the university. In other words, I lost tuition coverage for my kids to attend the university along with MANY other benefits.

I do not have ALS, but I do have an "undiagnosed neurological disorder" associated with service in the gulf war. It is a LONG story and still to be determined what is really going on.

If you are a veteran, please look at this angle. It is important to understand. I lost my livelihood and my benefits!
I am sorry this has happened to you. Sometimes I think it is a crime how we treat our returning heroes. I hope they find answers for your illness.
Std & Ltd

Hello, Sgilbert. If your dad has a LTD policy that's great. His benefits should BEGIN with STD FIRST and then progress to the LTD benefits when the length of time designated for short term runs out. Like the others have said, stay on top of this, and do not let anyone steer you in the wrong directions (i.e., do NOT skip your dad's STD benefit - use it!). Your dad should give "someone" (you? & your siblings?) permission to follow up on things like this...have your dad notify his employer/ H.R. department that they may release any info regarding his insurance benefits to the "designated" people. Keep good records. Document everything - who you talked to about what... and when/ date & time. If they know you are on top of things, the possibility of them "overlooking" a benefit is significantly decreased. All this IMHO.

Former CALS to husband, Jeff: 7-5-2007
I just wanted everyone to know that I am a paralegal for a Social Security Disability Attorney have been doing this for almost 9 years. If anyone has questions regarding getting on SSD the process etc. please feel free to ask me. God Bless you all. :-)
Thank you for that kind offer michelle. If you don't mind I'll move this to it's own thread ( I hope) so that it will be seen more. Hope you don't get overwhelmed by requests.
Did it a little different. Changed title of thread and made it a sticky. It'll stay at the top of the page.

Insurance broker

I finally got a hold of a guy who knew what he's talking about and told me to go out on SS and get a part B. look into that 4 long term. Shane
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