
  1. B

    Panic attacks

    Hi Everyone, Been a while since my last question. Hoping someone can help us out or guide us. My dad is in the late stages of ALS and is now living in a residence and having multiple panic attacks per day. This has been going on for the last 2 weeks and he is being brought back and forth from...
  2. S

    Proof that widespread twitching is related to ALS

    I recently came across this article and I'm freaking out now: Everything I've read on here says that widespread twitching is not indicative of ALS, but this article states otherwise. The worst part is that I had an emg last year that the neuro...
  3. D

    Emg and twitching

    Hallo everybody, Greetings from Greece 🙂. Sorry for my English, try to understand. One question. How it could be clean the result of emg if I have all the time twiching in legs?? Question two . Curling fingers in foot.. it could be something else of als? The doctors here are awful. I spend...
  4. O

    Dermatomyositis and ALS?

    Hello Friends. My question might be a bit weird seeing as how I haven’t really found a whole lot of literature on it so I’m here, but has anyone had any experience with existing Dermatomyositis then ALS? Sending you all of the most positive vibes anywhere ever: you’re Rockstars.
  5. N

    Could this be ALS?

    Good evening. After reading the stickies, I am still left with some questions. Here’s where I am at— 1. I have had body-wide twitching for about 6 weeks. It seems to be mostly in my legs now, with some in my face , back, and arms (not often). The twitching occurs on both sides. Some days...
  6. F

    Could this be ALS?

    I will try to make this brief. Symptoms: *. Muscle twitching: started out in a few places about a month ago. Then increased all over. Now has decreased but in more specific spots (calves, thighs, abdomen, shoulder area). It seems almost as if the twitching is moving from lower body to...
  7. V

    Husband is a possible carrier of c9 gene - anxiety over symptoms.

    Hi Everyone, My husband is 35 years old and has lost a cousin, an aunt, 2 uncles, (all to ALS) and currently watches his mom battle the final stages of ALS. His family carries the c9 gene. Upon visiting with his mom over Christmas (they live out of state) and spending a week surrounded by ALS...
  8. S

    Feeling defeated

    Last thread Finally got into the neuro yesterday. After some tests he came back in and asked me and my gf to sit down. He explained to me that from the Emg he couldn’t deny the possibility of als. I almost lost it right there. I ha e only been ha i g symptoms for six months and he said given...
  9. W

    Does this sound like ALS?

    I apologize if I accidentally posted this twice. I tried posting earlier but I’m afraid I did something wrong and lost the post because I can’t find it. I’ll try to re-type my sentiments from my earlier post... I went to visit my PCP regarding muscle twitching. I have had twitching for about...
  10. W

    Should I be worried?

    Hello and thanks in advance for reading this and giving me some direction. I went to my PCP due to muscle twitching. At first, it was all over twitching. Now it seems more centralized, as in the sides of both calves, the back of my thighs, top and bottom of my foot. There are times I will...