Hi everyone,
After 1 year suffering worrisome symptoms that could be linked with ALS, I have took a clinical neuro exam without any patological reflexes and without clinical weakness.
On the other hand, I keep on cycling (journeys of 82 km at 22kmh in average) and running (in spite of my right leg weakness): For example my running workout was to cover 5 kms (in flat) in 24 mins.
My questions (it would be very appreciated if you could provide answers according to your personal experience) are the following ones:
- Any of you (for whom the diagnosis process took a long time) was able to perform physical activity similar to the one described above 1 year after onset?
- Any of you received a regular/normal neuro exam/assesment 1 year after first theorical symptoms?
- Do you think that on the worst scenario where I was finally diagnosed with ALS my current physical abilities could be link with a better "prognosis"? or, otherwise, do you think that the "ALS" evolution is not linear and physical strenght/abilities could suddenly fall down?
Thank you in advance for your support!
My best wishes for all of you.
After 1 year suffering worrisome symptoms that could be linked with ALS, I have took a clinical neuro exam without any patological reflexes and without clinical weakness.
On the other hand, I keep on cycling (journeys of 82 km at 22kmh in average) and running (in spite of my right leg weakness): For example my running workout was to cover 5 kms (in flat) in 24 mins.
My questions (it would be very appreciated if you could provide answers according to your personal experience) are the following ones:
- Any of you (for whom the diagnosis process took a long time) was able to perform physical activity similar to the one described above 1 year after onset?
- Any of you received a regular/normal neuro exam/assesment 1 year after first theorical symptoms?
- Do you think that on the worst scenario where I was finally diagnosed with ALS my current physical abilities could be link with a better "prognosis"? or, otherwise, do you think that the "ALS" evolution is not linear and physical strenght/abilities could suddenly fall down?
Thank you in advance for your support!
My best wishes for all of you.