
  1. S

    Collapsed Arch, Arm weakness, odd start to symptoms

    Hello, Thank you everyone who is willing to give me any feedback on my current situation. I have been reading a lot of posts on this site for the last couple of months and I have felt that the people on this forum have been extremely helpful and educating. I was hoping not to have to post, but...
  2. A

    Bulbar symptoms? 34 year old female

    Coming here to see if my bulbar symptoms sound like bulbar onset ALS. I was here many years ago almost 8 years to be exact and was cleared by a neuro. Although, I hope that doesn’t discredit this post getting any replies. Symptoms started about 2 months ago with a feeling of my head being hard...
  3. G

    Concerned about symptoms

    Hello, I am a 32-year-old man. For more than two months, I have been experiencing a tingling sensation in both calves. Later, I started having fasciculations in both legs, followed by my arms and shoulders. I also notice that the fasciculations are becoming more frequent over time. Another...
  4. W

    Could this be ALS in a 21 year old with no symptoms?

    Hello--My daughter who is 21 years old recently had an EMG exam done for bilateral hand cramping after rock climbing--which has not occurred recently and has now improved. The EMG results showed spontaneous IA ratings in all muscles tested (30 muscles total), and a 4 of the muscles had MUP...
  5. L

    Update and progression of symptoms.

    Hello everyone I already posted several months ago and I always thank the members of this group for taking the trouble to reply. I am almost 22 months since the onset of symptoms and my symptoms continue to progress. I've had 3 emg's including the last one a year ago now. I was 10 months after...
  6. M

    Do you have these symptoms and how do you deal with it?

    uncontrollable biting. Doesn’t matter if it’s a utensil, toothbrush or my finger; when something goes in my mouth I start biting. It’s made oral care very hard. And now my bottom lip keeps finding Its way between my teeth and getting bit. I now grind my teeth too. Ocular fixation. Sometimes my...
  7. P

    Suspicious symptoms after COVID vaccine - officially ALS diagnosed 2 years later

    My brother, just 37-years-old, was recently diagnosed with familial ALS. We have one aunt that passed from ALS 15 years ago, but that was thought to be sporadic and ALS wasn't even on our radar. As many with this horrible disease try to do, we are racking our brains to potentially understand...
  8. P

    ALS: Blocking inflammation to reduce symptoms In people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), changes in neurons appear to activate immune cells. Lowering the inflammation could reduce the symptoms of the disease, according to a study led by Chantelle Sephton, a professor at Université Laval's Faculty of...
  9. V

    39 years old and my symptoms are getting worst

    I’m back because a few months ago My Neurologist requested a genetics test. It came back abnormal therefore he sent for a muscle biopsy on my left bicep. The results came back that I have muscle lost/waste there. Fast forward a couple of weeks later. My arms and fingers are really weak. My...
  10. W

    Update - New EMG, Lab results, and Symptoms

    Please see my earlier post below. EMG Results I will not press for assurance, merely hoping for insights/opinions and to give others a look at the process. Please merely delete this thread instead of blocking me if this poses any sort of rule break. So, I have some updates. On 10/25 I had my...