OK for those Who Claim a Med Degree

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Senior member
Aug 24, 2007
For you people out there that claim you have a Med degree im daring you to get out and back up your education .and start answering some questions .Theres only one so far and she left when i asked her a queezy question . Not in the TEXT BOOK .Dint never read that one . Come on now ,Step Up and hit the Ball .NAH DINT THINK SO . Geo
george,you are too damn opinionated and funny for words.
dear friend you need to put all that built up tension aside,i dont want to see you get upset.
we are all as frustrated as you and need to stick together.
i think your great:)
by the way george is my dads name
Just Another Great Guy. Oppinionated ? Mwa. LOL OOOOOOOOOOOK I geuss . Geo
hey Geo-
I don't have a clue what we're talking about, however, I am a registered nurse, and as of tonight, have a bachelor's degree in nursing.
I hope I've never "said" anything on here to sound like I'm smarter than anyone else. If I have, I certainly will be the first to admit I'm not all that book smart.
But in the common sense world, I do pretty damn good!
take good care,
Congratulations Brenda!


Now I have a reason to celebrate!

Well Done!

Bravo Zulu!

Celebrate On!

The really cool thing-the phone lines went down at our satellite campus- so we couldn't "dial" in to be in the virtual class. oops:twisted:

The last night of class was virtually painless!

-your friend zulu!
ok I have a question for anyone who can answer what causes this damn ALS I don't know my doctor does not know?or how about can any work related accident trigger this off things I need to know.
Where's Dr. House when you need him? He'd probably be able to answer.
I don't think so there is no that can tell you how this starts and why it is a trick question.
Me and the wife were discussing just yesterday about speaking to her GP and finding out just how comfortable he was with having her as a patient now that she has the ALS diagnosis. I am probably willing to bet she is his first. I am hoping he rises to the challenge and starts to do his homework on the disease and is not going to shy away from dealing with her, her issues and questions. Being a GP they must be versed on a lot of things but refer the other stuff to specialists when it needs to be done. We can't expect him to be all things to every one. Since we don't expect to go to the ALS clinic but every 3 months he will have to be her front line should complications arise. Again we are not expecting him to be an expert on this disease but we would love it if he steps up to the plate and I am sure it will benefit him and the wife in the long run. We would be learning together sort of speak.
Hi Steve ,Has she had a EMG to confirm ALS . Because you have to watch out for the Quacks .I was told 1-1/2 yrs into my symptoms after 1 hr. observation and before any tests ,You have ALS and will be dead in 2 yrs. I now have 8 yrs. in with Bulbar onset PLS . My Friend They dont have a Clue ,all they know is Protocol
Lets see now what page was that on . Oh i forgot another trick they use to get rid of Patients with a strange disease .When you go in for your visit they become so rude you leave and never come back Walla see that was easy .My expierience was i go to this quack and first thing he says to me is " Your a Skinny little runt you need some meat on those bones " well i just couldnt resist i had to say it and i did "I said and your a fat ass so there ,at that he walked out then i walked out nver to see him again . Geo
In answer to Steve, I too hope that your wife's GP steps to the plate but it's probably unlikely.

When my mom got diagnosed with PLS, it was the first patient for her GP with PLS (none with ALS). Upon diagnosis, it was time for her yearly physical and I asked if she would write the requisition for all her physical exam tests and she said that my mom had enough on her plate without needing to run tests. This is so absurd ... someone with PLS stops having yearly exams because they have PLS!

We've continued with this GP and I've had constant contact because I need her writing all the test requisitions and referrals, but to this date after 17 months since having a PLS patient, still knows nothing. I am the main driver of what needs to be done. I have done all the research and fill her in. It's rare that a GP would go out on their own time to research in depth or to the extent that patients would need. This is why there are specialists. GPs tell patients that they are generalist and not experts and send patients off to the experts.
Hi, Steve ... I hope your GP will step up to the plate. If you communicate well with him, and tell him that you would like him to oversee your wife's progress between clinic visits, maybe you can all learn together. My GP recently said to me, "I know nothing about ALS," and then went on to prove it (she got it mixed up with MS), but I think she's teachable. :-) And your GP can always consult with your neuro if something comes up he can't handle.

Ask our Super Moderator Al how he did it ... he has his GP very well-trained now in the ways of ALS. :-)

Good luck.
When I was diagnosed with ALS 5 years ago, my GP had never seen an ALS patient. He now has 3. The ALS Society of Canada has on their site, www.als.ca a Manual for Primary Care Physicians. It is a free download. I believe my doc has read it. He does still ask me questions for ALS related things that aren't in the manual. My Neuro at the Clinic pops in here once in a while to see if I'm diagnosing anyone and cutting into his business. LOL.

Al does your neuro really pop onto this site or was that a joke?
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