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If possible, can you mount it where he can nudge the button with his head, nose, bipap mask (if he uses bipap)? I saw on a quadriplegic site that there is a puff call system, but if he uses bipap that won't work. You could also contact an occupational therapist to see what systems they could recommend.

The headphone idea sounds the best so far.

About three months ago we had to make the transition from the wireless doorbell also. The IT Specialist from our state chapter sent down a modified pager with a "switch" attached to it. The switch is nothing more than a 1" clicker used with the headmouse applications for your computer. the past month or so, even that has gotten harder so I've made my own modification by taping a popsicle stick across the top of it. That way we can lay as many fingers as it takes across the top of it to apply the amount of pressure it takes. Every time we roll her in the bed, I'll exercise her fingers to keep them loose, as we get her comfortable again. So far, so good. In addition, Dad found something online called a "Twitch switch" (I'll see if I can get you some more info) which you're able to tape to a person's skin. You're supposed to put it somewhere the PALS still has movement, and anytime they twitch that part of their body it is set up to something like the wireless doorbell to where a beeper goes off. Mom still has control of the muscles in the upper part of her face, so we'll would put hers on her forehead. If you come across something better, please let me know! ...there aren't too many inexpensive options as I'm sure you've seen.
I too am getting to where I can hardly push the wireless doorbell any more. I have to use two hands.

Maybe you could hire a handyman who could add an external button switch to the wireless doorbell button. It's easy for someone who knows how. Call handymen in the phone book and tell them what you need.
Hi..I'm new to the forum, but am going to give this a shot. My friend has ALS and will be evaluated tomorrow for a speech generating device by Voicewave. The device supposedly will make an inaudible voice clear and also contains an amplifier along with phone (a switch may be needed with phone).

This device along with baby monitor may work for you.
I not only lost my post, but took a trip to a different website. I'll take that as Divine Intervention and PM you, Missy. I'm feeling a lot like a school marm getting fed up with your husband's antics.
How about a remote controlled light? Just a thought. I think I remember seeing ones with a large button the patient presses and the light goes on, in your case in the other room.
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