Come for tea

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Wish I could come visit and keep you company today. That is way too long to be left alone. An 11 year old may be company (though like you said, probably not), but she's definitely not a caregiver. What is he thinking?
Are you going alone Dorothy? Didn't understand the post you sent me? I am off to bed. My own, grubby sheets and all!
Sharlene, thatswhy he nappy
He doesn't thik nor know how te tell time.

Aly, yoo get me I don't rmember what ient you unness its doctors appoiintment and 3hour drive to hospital for wheelchair clinic
Go to bed and you can resend the pm tomorrow and see if I rememvet. I doubt it but I will try .. oh it was o a certain store to see if they sell a sppecific item someome mentione my bad ggood night aly, my typing souns like, johnny lp speaking no phome just louse ipaad.
I got your pm ok! I meant the comment up this page. Sent you a pm. You should try and sleep. I got this new stylus for my iPad from the airport it's way cool! A bit more accurate than my finger. I have fat chubby fingers! Wonder if it would help pals type more accurately if they use an I device and still have some grip. Food for thought. It's not really thin like some and has a lovely squishy rubber end. This is coming from a total non IT geek.

I really should turn my light off. Just HAD to try my stylus.
I have the styluw just won't jwork on this ipqad. It hitss leeters inever hitt or doubles theem. I just need my phone reactigattd. Theej aall will be rightvj withv the world. I have to use thje stylus in my mouth for the ipad and use voice actvation for the phone. Somettimes if I speak too fast you should see what it typejs. Sometimejs naughty things.
Good morning sleepy heads, up and at em let's go, we have things to do. Okay sounded good but I don't plan on doing much at all today. Sun is shining here and it is snowing. Supposed to be in the 50's tomorrow and through the week. Yippee !

Good morning all, sorry you were all up so early...

Lori, don't feel like you're preaching about the peg, we all learn from your experiences, it's helpful!

Eating spice cake and butter for breakfast, there's still some left for all of you! And if you need to put on weight, I'll even add extra butter, yum. Swiped some of my daughter chai tea this morning, serves her right for leaving it out and not putting it away.

I have to say that birds are so enjoyable to watch... gave my two (parakeet and sparrow) some fresh water, and watching them take a bath in their cages. The funniest thing is how the parakeet who is older, is learning from the sparrow. He never used the water bowl for baths, I'd have to squirt him with a spray bottle which of course he didn't like. It's amazing to see the instincts of the sparrow who grew up without a mother (except my daughter and I) vs the parakeet.

So what is everyone up to today? I wanted to go to my Mom's for a shower, but hubby has my van to go to work, his brakes are gone. Wonder why, he's an awful driver, either accelerating or hitting the brake. I'm not driving much these days as it's hard to get in and out of my van which isn't converted. Once I'm in I'm ok driving, but I don't want to push it either.
I'm really nervous I'm really nervous, was with my rheumatics doctor a week and took lot of blood tests and x-rays to see if my juvenile chronic / idiopathic arthritis has become active again. If so, maybe I need to start with methotrexate. Don't want that to happen, and I'm gonna find out if this is the case in a month. It's hard to wait for that kind of INFO...
Then I were suppose to visit grandpa today but when I woke up this morning I had got a terrible cold... Do not want to infect my grandpa who is just gets sicker and sicker... He can hardly talk and have severe anxiety, and can barely do anything anymore. I need some strength and some happy thoughts, because it's pretty tough right now ...
Dorothy, why aren't they sending the wheelchair guy to your house instead of making you, the patient travel all that way? I just talked to my clinic yesterday, and as soon as my insurance crap is straightened out, they're sending someone to my house for the wheelchair fitting. Have to a PT person see me first as well. It just doesn't make sense.

Nathalie, take a deep breath, and calm yourself down. Worrying yourself sick isn't going to help you. How old is your grandfather? You're smart to not go visit him while you're sick... I prescribe... a deep breath or two, and then... let's see... DARK CHOCOLATE! My cure for everything that ails me. Seriously, try to relax and not worry too much about something that may or may not happen, it won't change the result, and you'll just feel worse in the meantime.
Good morning ladies! Sitting here drinking my coffee looking out the door at the new birdfeeder we bought yesterday. It's so funny, I saw so many birds, Cardinals, a dove and a Robin, among others and since we put out the birdfeeder not one bird has come around. oops, lookee there I believe the sparrow has found my birdfeeder. I can't wait for the hummingbirds to come back I love to watch them feed.
It's very sunny here today, should be in the upper 60s. I'm going to get outside in a few hours and soak up some vitamin B. Hope you ladies have a blessed day!
Thank you Helen for that pep talk, I'll try to have that in mined. I'm gonna go bye some dark chocolate and try to keep me busy so that I think about other things :)
My grandpa is 71 years old, he is the one with the ALS, he got diagnosed 1 year ago in april, his ALS has progressed fast sense he was diagnosed. He is really ill now, we think he has pneumonia on top of everything :''(
Good morning all,
Welcome home aly! Nothing better than your own bed. If you have windows seven you can try out a speech recognition program it's under accessories. And that reminds me, toto if you were going to see a OT take your stylus and ask them if they can make a splint to hold it... They did for me to make the mouse easier to hold. Helen, my hubby and I are going to a psychic convention that has a demonstration on reki that you talk so much about I'm excited to learn more about it. Have a good all
Hi Dear Nathalie. Helen's advice is very good. It's good you're not going to see your Grandpa. Stay calm and remember to breathe. When I'm stressed I don't breathe normally and it makes things worse. I'll be thinking of you Nat. Love to you.

It's another spectacular day here! Not enough birds yet though. It's too early in the season.

All who are in Day Light Savings time zones, remember to set your clocks 1 hour ahead before you go to bed tonight. It's time to Sprrrrrring forward! :)

I'll take some of that spice cake Dear Helenpie!

Hi Di, Sharlene, Aly, Dana, Dorothy, Sally, Mary Pat, Lori, Ladyrider and all you pies that aren't on the last two pages! Love to you too! xoxoxo
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