Come For Tea

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Ugh, I have been bad again. My post has gone to the moderator. I am sorry Al. Please forgive me for I know not what I do!
Helen, I am so sorry for you to have to look at houses. I know in the little town we live in there were like 350 homes for sale. And yes, many of them don't bother to clean before putting on the market. I know when we sold our Maryland home it was spotless and I either had time for homemade cookies or an apple pie to help sell. But alas, it took us 9 months to sell and we lost over $10,000.00. When we sold our first house here to move to this HELL hole i mean MONEY PIT we kept the house spotless. Even remodeled the kitchen and bathroom and still no takers. I just don't understand buyers today. Either I just had blinders on or was just plain blind! And make sure that party your having today, comes with a toothbrush or scrub brush to help you along.
Laurel, I'm waiting for that cake, lol.
And Dianne, have you had anyone come and look at the house yet? Do you live near a college or university?
we sold our last one to Newberry College. They are landlocked so were happy to get a 4 br home right next door to the college. Believe me its worth a try. And if not the college often times sororities or fraternities will be interested. Doesn't hurt to look that up. When you move are you staying in the same area or are you moving awaaaay? And what about hospice, any news on a new group?
Well, sorry about not sending cupcakes - my son and grandson just left and I don't have a single cupcake left! The boys didn't eat them all but took home for DIL and granddaughter!

Speaking of daughter-in-law... I learned today that she has a malignant tumor in her thigh which is too entwined to remove. She is doing chemo to slow the growth and if that doesn't work the only thing will be to remove the leg since the tumor is in the bone. She had been doctoring for two years for bursitus before she noticed a lump and got someone to agree it was more serious than bursitus. She is 39 years old and quite active. I feel for my son since he has to be worried and scared but doesn't want to tell me much so I won't worry! I do worry -- isn't that what mothers do?

I am alone for a few hours. Tim went to Rapid City to a motorcycle show today. He and a friend of his thought they would do guy things. I told him to leave his checkbook at home! At 68 he has no business on a motorcycle!

It looks like rain but so far nothing but overcast skies and fog. So think I will wheel into bed and take a nap.
Oh Diamme I am so terribly sorry about your poor DIL. What a terrible worry. I do hope the Chemo is successful, its a weirs sort of possitive, but if she needs an aputation, at least that would most likely assure her survival. People manage so well with artificial limbs nowadays. Boy, on this site its one trauma after another, but that is life I suppose.

I am going to make cupcakes today. I will put little easter eggs on them. Then give them away quick smart! Got out my suitcase and then went on tripadviser to see what I will do. It seems that all the nice areas require a hike, so thats annoying. I am not a sit on the beach type at all. Need to always be on the go. Sigh.

Hoping the house selling goes OK for both Diane and Helen. Has the market picked up in USA? Its still a bit up and down here.

Have a lovely day and if my cupcakes work I will try and share them with you all. or should I say ya'll.
Aly, I would love to hear you say "Y'all"! Your cupcakes sound beautiful. You go girl. From cupcake wailing to cupcake a la Martha Stewart in a month or less.

Diane, your DIL and son sure do have a sobering problem there with that cancer. Since becoming ill, it seems the suffering really is everywhere. The world is going through so much, and I barely keep track. What I hear in passing is serious stuff. Yes, do keep your man off of a motorcycle. Remind him they always slide and crash in the movies, and Hollywood knows the real scoop. ;-)

Helen, I hope you find something really good for you. No steps, but a ramp. The prior owner should have had ALS. (just kidding--wouldn't wish it on anyone!) And, I hope your house sells for your price.

Oh, Kim--I hate that you need prescriptions and medical help and can't get it.
So sorry about all the med rubbish. I must have missed your post. When they go off to cukoo land, it's easy to miss them when they pop up on a previous page. You do all that writing and spelling mistakes ( sorry Diamme , um Dianne) for nothing.
I can imagine your frustration. These Doctors and their fancy Nancy conferences :). they shouldn't be allowed, especially when they take their crippled limpy wives. Lol. He should have a back up. My Hubby still talks to his patients or answers their emails when he's away. He never minds that sort of thing. mostly it's problems with new drugs like you are having.
I left the tv on all night, and the BBC world service kept me to sleep. I have this song it my head, that won't go away. It played in my head so much I couldn't sleep. ( More by Usher) love the song, it makes me want to boogie, but not at 1 am. I just walked into my sons room and guess what's playing on his iPod. Yes More by Usher. It's back aghhhhhhhh.

I have some sleeping tablets on hand but treat them like gold. I also have amytriptyline, which I used for a year while drifting through the he'll called "the diagnostic process". They make you feel crap the next day tho.

I hope you find a way to sleep. Is it pain or worry keeping you awake?



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Those cupcakes look delicious Aly. I am just back from a meal out with a group I was teaching before I gave it up to be with mum. They are finishing their course this weekend and thought to include me in their celebrations. Tell the truth I was delighted to be remembered...and the food was good too...but your cupcake will finish it off nicely. Glad you got the wedding dress. When's the wedding?

Dianne, I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter in law. Of course you worry. I do hope the chemo does the trick.

Kim- I just hate it when the doctors imply that noone else has the side effect you tell them about! Back in the day when mum was still walking she was prescribed a drug which left her dizzy, falling, dopey & totally incoherent when she typed on her lightwriter. It was over a Christmas period so neurologists were thin on the ground. Rang into the neurology ward & got help there. Nurse there told me it was a side effect she'd seen reasonably often. But when we got neuro appointment a couple of months later he made out like noone in the world gets that reaction! Would we not try it again?! Boy was I miffed. Especially since mum & I had booked a holiday which we had to cancel cause of it all. And I might add were never able to do after that because of the pace of progression. Ok rant over. But seriously Kim it's the pits that you can't get that script. I don't know how you are but I'm like a bear when I haven't enough sleep on board.

Lastly, thinking of you all who are selling up & looking for a new spot. Not an easy time. Can't imagine not cleaning before selling. Can't imagine how it would sell!
Aly, beautiful, yummy cupcakes. Y'all in NZ know how to do pretty!

Avril, I'm glad you had the time celebrating with the group you taught! I doubt you get much special time off these days.
Yum cup cakes, but as some of you know what i like best of all.


and i had 4 yesterday, they were yummy.

first 2 were still warm from the oven .

Today its a cold, damp day, so its by the fire for me.

So sorry to hear about DIL Dianne, i hope things go well with her.

Dear Peter... why am I not surprised? I'm so glad you are being fed warm choc chip muffins. Isn't it nice, too, to have a fire on a chilly day?
Diane I see your name here and want to give you a big hug. I'm off now to zzzzzzzzzzzz.
Well I missed you ladies and 2 guys. Went to my son's soccer game today and a fast trip shopping. At Matt's game, the ladies (and I use that term lightly) were drinking alcohol as in, wine coolers, beer and jack daniels (bring out the good stuff) at a kids game in a public park in the afternoon! It's pretty sad when you can't have fun without drinking. Don't get me wrong; I don't condone drinking, just not at your kids soccer game. After the game, I was able to flag a state trooper down and told them that they would be back at 4 for their second game. He couldn't do anything but he drove to the field so he would tell the county officers where it was at. The only reason I didn't call the police while they were there is because I was the only one sitting in my van watching the game and my child would be playing this team a little later in the season. Didn't want any problems for my son (I try to be the good mom).
Aly, you can make cupcakes for me anytime. Oh, by the way have I gotten there yet? I mailed myself to you several days ago for our Hawaii excursion.
Avril, thanks for the story. It makes me feel better knowing it's not just me! Often times I feel it can only happen to me.
Dianne, thanks for trying to send me a cupcake. I would never take anything away from a child. And I am so sorry about your DIL. I will keep her in my prayers.
and Peter, Teach me (geography was not my strong suit) but you and Aly are heading into fall, correct?
Yep, fall and its all-a-falling at the moment. And no kimberley you are lost in transit, a bit like my poor hubby who just took 36 hours to get to hawaii, instead of 9 hrs :(. I just saw a moaning letter he wrote to Air New Zealand. for dip sticking around and causing him to mis his flight. He asks that they make it up to him by suprising Sam and I with an upgrade . I doubt it will happen, but you never know now do you.

Its disgusting having parents drinking at a sports game. I cant believe it. I hope they got into heaps of trouble. Those poor kids! Good on you for dobbing them in. I certainly would have. If Anyone on the street ever used the F word in front of my kids. i would walk up to then and tell them off! I am probably lucky to still be alive.

Nighty night everyone, I am off to cook some curry chicken for dinner. Starving as usual.:)

And Peter first it was those jolly foot massages, and now you are talking about hot chocolate chip muffins. Not fair. I have managed not to touch a cup cake. I cheated and used a packet, so I am not really tempted. It was Sam who wanted pink icing, and he decorated them as well!

Aly, I don't know what is worse: Airline travel or Mail Service. I guess in my case it would be Mail Service. If I don't get out of this bag soon I am going to suffocate! Will you attend any of the conferences?
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