My Christmas wish for you and your family is to live in Peace Harmony Laughter and Love and know how Beautiful You shine so bright with your Love and Light! I just want you know how much you mean to me ... we have never met in person, but you are known to me and stay in my heart. I feel we have been friends forever ....
I see Joni wants to connect other thsn here too. If you want to connect look me up. I am [email protected]. There are a couple of private groups there where we can meet.
Love you and miss you,
I just missed you. Hope you are doing well. Have a daughter getting married in 3 weeks. Do you have facebook? If yes, might be a cheerier place to meet up.
Thinking of you,
Its good seeing you on a little more. I've missed you and all the others that have gone on. I'm sorry for Mums anniversary. Sad to know its been a year. The place doesn't quite have the spark that it used to have. I'm hoping all is well at work.
As for me, I'm still in solitary confinement. I believe they lose my key o purpose to avoid seeing me. That's okay. I know where I will be going and where they are headed. You take good care of yourself.
I'm so happy to see you on. I hadn't left any messages, hoping you would be back at tea. Plus, I was naughty and was awol for a while. Sleeping too much. Much better now. Glad I caught you.
Much love to you,
thanks for stopping by and your message. It is understandable, moving on... Laurence is relatively stable at the moment (no infection, care package in place etc.), but you know the score with MND... a week, a month or an hour... So many losses on the forum. Also, my ex partner died suddenly on 25 May (we were together for 6 years), and it has been hard for me... X D
I am hoping you got a return on the pm you sent me. It updated my last message to you. If not, next time you're on leave me a note and I will send it again. You take good care of you. You're the important person now!
My Love to you,
I saw your light ln and thought I would stop by and say, Hey! I sure do miss you. An update if you didn't know: Diane/Ladyinn and Ken/Beach Bum have both passed away. And Allen is in respite care after his wife, Robin was hospitalized. I'm unsure by the tone of the message, if he will be able to come home. Robin did say he would be back on line that following night, but that's been close to a week ago. I love you. Take care. Until we post again.......
Golly gee, you were just on and I missed you. Hope you are doing well. I miss you. I hope to catch up to you one day.
With many prayers and much love,