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Geez buddy I was pulling your leg. Everybody's so sensitive this weekend. Full moon or what?


Like everyone has pointed out, everyone is different with rate of progress and where they are affected. I haven't heard of ALS just keeping to one area of the body.

My husband has been diagnosed for almost 2.5 years with Bulbalr/Limb onset.

When he is really upset he can't get his words out.
Who is that good looking girl up there. No wonder the kid's cute.

Al, I'll second that and OW! my leg hurts. As far as the questions; when I get angry my speech gets worse (if that's possible) and it gets so I can't say anything. So far, one year after diagnosis and one and a half year after symptoms, I haven't been affected in my arms or legs. When it will go farther, stay tuned.
thanks to yall of you
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