Wife has OCD

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Clearwater AL

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Aug 28, 2013
Get Real
My wife has OCD... Obsessive CLEANING Disorder. Her and that dang vacuum cleaner is gonna drive me and the cat nuts! Can ya hear it runnin' as I type this? Geeze.
They all do my friend, they all do!
My ex didn't. If it got cleaned I had to do it. Could use some help in that department now tho
Join the club--I think in the the Y chromosome :)

Hey now...nothing nicer that a clean house!
My wife has OCD, too. The kids and I used to call her the curator... cuz our house always looked like a museum. We were afraid she was going to buy some stanchions and red velvet rope to keep us out of the living room and kitchen.
Al she is just trying to keep the cat dander down for you cat allergy you developed a year ago. I have a different kind of OCD- occasional cleaning done. I am finding it difficult to have another female (21) in the house, because I like things where I put them. Apparently she never watched Sesame Street and that game- one of these things is not like the other, one of these things just isn't the same. AHHHHHH!
Is it contagious? I wish my boys would catch it...
I used to be that way. With 3 boys and a husband things never get put where they belong. I have 3 saying I bounce back and forth with.

1. My house is lived in.
2. God made dirt so dirt don't hurt.
3. If you don't like the way things look then clean it yourself.

I don't have OCD
I don't have OCD
I don't have OCD
I don't have OCD
I don't have OCD
I always wondered - what would it be like to make a mess and someone else just magically cleans it up?

Now I have an upside to ALS (I like to clutch at any positive straws as I can imagine).

I have OCD - Others cleaning duties!

That means I have carers who come in and I can make a mess and not only do they clean it up but they smile and say 'my pleasure'. WOW Neil Young was right and wrong - a woman needs a maid!
I'm not a clean freak (most men aren't) but I do keep things picked up, put up, in order, do wash, even fold them, all my shirts hang in one direction, pants all hung the same way (comes from the military I guess) but a few cat hairs here and there doesn't mean a 25 minute vacuuming ordeal has to commence using every dern attachment in the closet. I don't know the brand name of our vacuum cleaner but I'd guess it's "Vacfromhell." I think it's made by the Boeing Aviation Company. But, she must enjoy doing it so I keep my thoughts (and cussing) to myself when I hear that thing coming out of the closet. :)
I love you guys, it is so fun to read the comments as they give me a chuckle. I was feeling exhausted today, even though the sun is shining brightly. I can't remember what sleeping more than 4 hours solid feels like, but the humour has already made me feel better. Thanks.
I'm the OCD one here. Hubbie is the laid back one. Didn't realize how hard it would be to let him take over kitchen and laundry. Because HE MOVES ALL MY STUFF AROUND! :twisted:

Drives me nuts.

But the help is sooo appreciated.
I'm the OCD one here. Hubbie is the laid back one. Didn't realize how hard it would be to let him take over kitchen and laundry. Because HE MOVES ALL MY STUFF AROUND! :twisted:

Drives me nuts.
And how can you tell the difference?:razz:

If that is the prerequisite to OCD than I have it big time. I am all right if there is a better reason for having it moved, but not if it is because that was the closest drawer or cupboard. We have had to move things around our room to accommodate my husbands new bed and my twin bed, but I still find myself in the room where the thing I needed was stored before. I do so many things on cruise control, but now I have to reset my coordinates.
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