Hot weather and als symptoms/deteriorate

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Distinguished member
Nov 2, 2017
last year in feb/march/april i had no such a visible symptoms of als - i walked normaly, limped barely. may/june/july/august were horrible. everything got worse. dont know why.
winter time - didnt want to go out of my house. couldnt connect summer's symptoms with harder walking.
friend of mine told me (has ms) that her walking got worse every summer, so finaly she couldnt walk in - august. she doesnt know how it goes with als, but i was thinkining to myself she is right.
now i am in hotel, close to sea. it is very hot and i barely walk.
how do you manage temperature and walking/symptoms/deteriorating in general? this is my first summer knowing that i have als...
I personally feel that my personal progression advances more during the winter cold months. The summer months is when my muscles are able to stretch out and feel better.
same as whereswaldo for me. Cold and wet REALLY ramps up my spasticity. I get much worse stiff zombie gait and clonus in jaw and ankles and calf. We've had a few nice weather days and I already feel so much better that I have those silly "maybe im getting better/it's not als" thoughts, then I get a reality check when i remember all the things I can't do anymore despite feeling better with the warm weather!
I do much better in hot, sunny weather. Humidity doesn't bother me unless it's cold. Rain just makes me tired but, I believe, that's psychological because I'm not outside. I hurt more when it's cold.
I've done better in the summer than in winter. Over the years, I believe that I've lost most function in the winter and look forward to warm weather.
Warmer body temps are a known stressor in MS.

ALS, I think it goes by the person -- Larry did much better in heat. Remember to hydrate!
ditto for warm weather. - - - florida is looking better and better !
My husband does not do well in extremes of any kind (although he'd rather be cool than warm). Now that it's warm enough to go out, it's too humid. He has a hard time breathing in the high humidity (he is on a vent). You may have to get your walking in indoors--the grocery store or a mall might be good. I know it's not nearly as pleasant, but you need to avoid anything that makes things harder for you (and this is such an individual disease that you just have to base your decisions on what your body tells you).

Like many I feel better in warmer weather, though I think it's largely due to its effects on my mood, and the opportunity to shed the winter clothes and not worry about slipping on ice.

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