ALS and Sweating Profusley

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New member
Aug 23, 2005
I am a caregiver for my Husband who was diagnosed in April 2005. His is in his lower legs and is already in leg braces. I was wondering if any Pals has had trouble with Sweating more than usual. He can take a shower, dry off and start sweating like mad soo much to the point that he is soaked. We cannot find out if it is all the medications he is on ( for heart problems too) It seems this started when he was diagnosed and went on the Rilutek and Minicycline, or is this common with ALS. :?: I would appreciate some imput if anyone has any information. Gloria
Interesting question for me too. LB (my husband) is the same way. Only thing, he doesn't take any of the medications your husband does. After a shower LB has even turned the water to cold and just stood in it until he was chilled. Then as soon as he gets out and drys off he is hot and sweating. He is hot most of the time and wants the air turned real low. I wear sweats to try and stay warm.
I read somewhere (sorry, since my father was diagn. w/ALS I have gone through so much material, that can no longer remember the actual sources) that among some of the ALS risk factors "excessive sweating" may be one of them. While we always thought it was only natural that dad would get all dripping wet when working, he was always working so hard, it seemed normal. Yet, now I think there is truth to that theory. It has often been a family joke as to how high his body temperature was, as if he could self combust... Some bodies/systems apparently have the ability to work themselves up to such degree, that it ultimately brings on destruction. If this goes on for long time, or throughout one's life, then eventualy the results from the gradual destruction suddenly come out in the open. We are coping by trying to create calm and balanced athmosphere as much as possible, avoid aggravation, keep good diet to stimulate the proper body environment for the nerves to be best protected. We have managed to eliminate a number of traits, which in turn is helping him keep stable. Every day I go over a list of notes and memos I've made, going back in time to try and decipher what in my dad's case have been his particular risk factors. What harmful "agitators" does he react to, get affected by and how can the effects of these agitatirs be inhibited using diet, supplement, exercise, etc.

Thank You both for your imput. I will ask his Dr. at his next appointment and post hopefully an answer. I just haven't come across any articles speaking about theis side effect. HAGD Gloria :roll:
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