i have over the past threeyears made some successful presentations. these are available for your use at;
feel free to do what you wish with these other than poke fun at them. also remember your local funding drive as that is where we get much of our equipment.
ours is betty's run june 12 2005.http://ranger03.com/bettys.html at which we made 2 million dollars last year and $170k when i was ambassador,,, what will it be this year? you may beat us... give it a try all money stays here. some goes for research which is now shared with the u.s. [research not money]
feel free to do what you wish with these other than poke fun at them. also remember your local funding drive as that is where we get much of our equipment.
ours is betty's run june 12 2005.http://ranger03.com/bettys.html at which we made 2 million dollars last year and $170k when i was ambassador,,, what will it be this year? you may beat us... give it a try all money stays here. some goes for research which is now shared with the u.s. [research not money]