social security

  1. P

    Social security Disability

    What are the rules for getting SSD? Can I be working part time from home (cannot get into an office anymore) and still qualify? Photogjackiie
  2. P

    just an update

    just had a PFT yesterday and my FVC is down to 64%. I am being referred to the National Jewish Hosp. here in denver. its my guess that i may be fitted with a bipap and a feeding tube and seeing a speach pathologist. wish me luck guys. and just a side note, i was denied on my social security...
  3. ysabel

    do i need a second opinion?

    I know what the doc said is most likely right.. She watched me walk and did knee reflex. My legs swung way out. She had students following her so im not sure if she wanted to get a quick diagnosis to show off they do have big egos... She didnt run mri or anything. Since my diagnoses ive gotten...
  4. B

    How much does full time care cost?

    Hi all, It's been a while since I've posted here. My wife is still progressing at an extremely slow rate and so far it's still only in her right leg as far as she can tell. A few weeks ago she said she couldn't be sure but a muscle in her left leg might be "missing" She did say it could be...
  5. A

    The hell that one goes threw before diagnosis.

    I was wondering what patients do before they get diagnosis. Isn't it hell? I mean there are so many other things that mimic ALS and it must cost a lot of money how do people get a diagnosis? I've spent my entire life savings and lost all my family and friends. I have nothing to live for these...
  6. ysabel

    b12 deficency maybe?

    I had blood work done in November. All came back good. No anemia etc... On the 28th of Jan they are doing more blood work to include a b12 test. If it is B12 then it would be a matter of suplements or injections right? I mean fairly easy to fix? I did have a lab apointment for the 23rd but my...
  7. ysabel

    No pitty just angry... just venting..

    I hope i post this right.. I know many people have more reasons to be angry than I do. Quite frankly I feel guilty for being angry. But I want to get this fixed quickly. I get most angry when my legs just randomly fall from under me. And when my memory fails me. Lose train of thought. Forget...
  8. jellis86

    What diagnosis for SSDI or VA

    Hello all.... Some of you have read about my situation as far as testing I've had done and the findings by Wright of my EMG. So far it's still speech issues with me. My question bad does your symptom/s have to be before a person is able to put in for disability? I'm not looking to...
  9. Sammantha

    scared alone in pain

    Its been hard for awhile, but i cant do it at all. I woke this morning and my alarm to the left went off. I went to hit snooze with my right arm which requires a full swing.. i couldnt at all..... coupled with teenage boy serious issues i have lost my inner strength again. When my mom and...
  10. T

    The ugly truth about SSI

    I have been at war with SSI. It is the craziest thing I have ever seen in my life. We have the diagnosis. We have all the testing. We have the orders for the cough assist and ventilator (which Michael has a loaner from the ALS closet), but we can't get disability. Uhhh, lets see Michael - take...