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Was out of town so couldn't post a picture of the table I have 'borrowed' from the loan close on which they say pALS will prop their arms to do hair/make-up. I'll try to post my first picture now, but no guarantees it will work. I put the scissors on the table to show scale. The base is pretty bulky, not sure a wheelchair will roll under/up-to it. The table moves up and down kind of 'hydraulically'. Once you pull it up to the level you want, leave it for a minute and it 'sets' in place.

I agree, great thread Sarah. And I love your hair, no layers is easiest. You mentioned that your hair is falling out. Mine too! It has been an extreme amount for about 9 months. My neurologist checked my thyroid and iron but they were within normal limits. I am blessed because I had a huge amount of hair to begin with otherwise I am sure I would be close to bald. I take glycopyrolate to help with the excessive saliva and I am thinking it is affecting my hair. My soft shiny hair is now dry and the texture is weird. I have naturally curly hair and have to blow dry it and flat iron it or I look like I was caught in a tornado. oh my vanity and ALS don't mix. I have been coloring my grey for about 15 years. I never left the house without makeup but I find myself doing it more and more. I ask my daughter to blow dry and style my hair for me every chance I get. It's the same for me after showering and washing my hair I am exhausted. I use my shower chair and it helps me conserve some energy.
Marta, tattoo makeup is ingenious. I wish I could have it done. It sounds terrifying to have your eyes done. Is it painful just like a regular tattoo?
Love the cut Sarah! I have layers but often wear my hair up to get it off my neck. My hairdresser is supposed to tell me when I'm 50% gray so she can take over. Right now, the i'm worth it gal and I are good friends....I'm so vain!

Mich! Yea! We can see your picture! Good job! And it is pretty much what I was imagining... cool! I might have to look into something like that... will depend on what we end up doing in the bathroom remodel, should that ever actually materialize (I'm really starting to wonder...). Right now I have a really tall bathroom counter (as in, my kid needs a two-step stool to barely see himself in the mirror), so it works quite well at this time.

Thanks, Linda. When I mentioned it to my neuro about the hair loss, she looked up those test results for me too and said it's not that. It might not be ONE of the meds, but maybe the combination of ALL of the meds is doing it. Who knows... I don't have much left to spare, though!

Jen... I snorted at your "the I'm worth it gal" line! Hilarious!
getting in here late. just wanted to mention for the futre that if anyone is cutting 8" off their hair, i hope they will donate it to locks of love for cancer pts.
I like your haircut Sarah. Its a nice length for you. I used to have longer hair and went to the beauty shop to have it french braided all the time. My hair is now short to medium length, extremely straight, and thick. My goal in high school was to have my hair look like Farrah Fawcett. I had every hair product and gadget available. Mom tried and tried to fix my hair the way I wanted it. Never looked like Farrah though. Lol
Thanks, Kim. I used to get my hair french braided by friends all the time! It was my favorite! When I was in high school, I usually had 2-3 performances every week, between Show Choir, being Drum Major, and in a drama group. Stage hair and makeup was a daily thing for the most part. That meant getting up every day at 5:30 am, wash hair, blow dry, put it in curlers, and fix hair to be at school by 7:50. I liked performances in the early AM, because curls always fell out of my hair within a few hours... even when I got a perm! If the performance was in the afternoon, I would go to the dressing room and curl it during lunch! Sometimes I think back to those days and think, "Holy crap! That's ridiculous!" The things you do when you're young...
Susan, I thought it was 10"?
oops you're right. 10" is minimum.

i like your cut btw!
Thanks, Susan! I was wanting to donate but I couldn't bring myself to cut quite that much to do it! I don't think they'd want mine anyway... it's not in good shape :( It DOES look better now that I cut so much off, and it's really nice for folks pushing my wheelchair to not constantly pull it when they grab the push handles!
Sarah I love your new haircut. I had to cut my hair also, it was falling out alot and it is hard for me to shampoo it now with my curled fingers. To scrub my scalp I use a scalp massager or my brush. I have very curly, kinky hair it's very hard to style now. I usually just keep it in a ponytail away from my face and neck. My daughter has become a pro at making ponytails. My other problem is my nails, I hate having long nails. I don't have strenght to clip them myself. I gets expensive going to the nail salon every month. I love having my toe nails well manicured specially in the summer with sandals. I watch the show PushGirls it inspires me to dress up when I go out. :)
ouch! pulling your there's a reason to cut.
Brenda, I have a pair of baby nail clippers that have a big, bulb-type handle and with those I can clip my nails... they're very sharp and it doesn't take too much pressure to get them to clip. I hate long nails too... being a pianist, I've never in my life kept them long. I've never bothered with manicures or polish on my fingernails either.

However, LOVE to have my toenails painted! I had to take all the polish off them last week when I realized I have some kind of infection going on with my right big toenail... seeing a podiatrist tomorrow about it. Yuckity yuck yuck yuck!
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