
  1. adozi

    Staying Mentally Strong After an ALS Diagnosis

    I think this warrants its own post. Hope it helps people! "Dealing with any chronic or terminal illness is challenging for anyone. It's OK to not be OK with it," said Kraunelis. "The hand that’s dealt to us isn’t always fair. But how we play that hand is within our control. We can choose to...
  2. L

    How to be certain it is ALS

    My mother was diagnosed with ALS a few months ago and there are aspects of both the disease and the diagnosis that she is finding very challenging to accept. I am sure this is "normal" but seeing as I can't even begin to pretend like I know how she is feeling, I am hoping that maybe someone who...
  3. A

    Comfort Medicine Suggestions

    Hello, everyone. My mom's discomfort level has recently increased rapidly and drastically. We are reaching the very end of this battle and comfort is priority above all else. Hospice has provided liquid morphine drops that they say help her breathing (maybe by making her more calm?) and also...
  4. Ronnie& sissy

    First time talking to others

    Please forgive me everyone, I've never done this before. So I'm not sure where to start... I guess I should first introduce myself, my name is Karen, but everyone calls me Sissy, my husbands name is Ronnie, and he was diagnosed with ALS in sept. 2012. He is 49, I am 37. Ok, that's a start... I...
  5. M

    Blom tracheostomy with Trilogy 100 ventilator

    I wanted to blog about my dad and his recent surgery to get a trach and begin full time invasive ventilation. Prior to surgery he was on BiPAP 22+ hours a day with good use of his arms and hands, able to walk short distances with a cane or walker. Breathing was his biggest problem and he went...
  6. T

    Toileting and underwear problem

    My husband wears satin underwear because it makes it easier for me to slide him into his power chair from his bed by way of a transfer board. The problem begins when I transfer him from the power chair to the toilet seat and I have to lower his underwear. He use to be able to use the palms of...
  7. D

    Airgo Adventure 8 Rollator Walker

    $200 OBO This is a fully adjustable walker with seat and storage basket underneath the seat. Features: Ergo-form handgrips fit more comfortably and place you hand at a natural angle for comfort and better brake access. Easy-to-activate brakes. Padded seat and backrest. Locks in open position...
  8. S

    help to beat als

    I refuse to sit around and believe there is absolutely nothing i can do to beat ALS. Im not saying i believe there is a secret cure somewhere but that there has to be a healthy natural way to slow progression even by a little bit. Ive been inspired by the eric is winning website and would love...
  9. A

    Sleep, or a lack there of

    Well here it is 2:20 in the a.m. and I find I'm unable sleep for the second knight running. The sleep aid mertazopean was unbeknownst to me was having a negative reaction with one of pain killers so i decided to stop the sleep aid. Smart? Did I mention it's 2:25 on Monday mornig. Does anyonr...
  10. K

    Dynavox Vmax series 5 windows 7 augmentative communication speech tablet

    I am selling my mom's Dynavox that she never learned how to use, so it's practically new. Asking for $400.00. Here is the info from the ebay listing: Dynavox VMax + Series 5 Software Latest Updates Windows 7 Powerful and flexible enough for all ages and abilities, the Vmax+ is a complete...