Sammantha! how was your cardiologist appt?

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Extremely helpful member
Mar 29, 2008
Check in with us girlie! :)
Hi Rose, how have you been? It seems like everyone around me is sick, my husband has a cold and my son has bronchitis.... I KNEW i had a chest infection when i had that heart episode, because my chest hurt and was so sore..... I had a sore throat and it moved to my chest but unlike my little guy i never developed a cough. My son took zithromax and is better. I went to the cardiologist and he was a nice fellow. He said that sinus tachycardia can be considered normal and that he wants to me to wear a heart monitor for thirty days to capture the SVT... where my heart goes crazy. He asked if i could make it happen and i said no, and i really dont want to! He had read my file and my tests and i have only had this heart problem as long as i have had chest muscle problems.. He said that he wanted me to do a sleep study at the hospital, and that he thinks its due to my breathing issues and that my breathing issues are neurological. Then he said, any question? I said no, and that was it. He knew my last EMG was considered normal, but still surmised by the pulmonary function tests, and the fact that this happens at night in my sleep leads him to believe it is ultimatley neurological.

Hope you have a great weekend!
They called today and tomorrow morning i will be having a event recorder done. Basically it will be there for thirty days and when i have the palpatations i hit the button and the info goes across telephone lines and gets recorded, this will be the only time in my life that i would purposely want my heart to go into svt!
Sam, those things are not too bad. I have used one twice since I have had heart "skips" since I was about 18 yrs old (I'm 42). Just used it recently since I started having "neurological issues" and everything checked out fine. The only bad part is trying to find a place for the recorder when you sit on the potty.:smile: Oh, and ripping the sensors off that are sticky - do it quickly! You won't have this issue but mine was taking chest hair off with it the first few days.:p

Best wishes to you.
Sam, I was glad to read your cardiologist's feelings about your situation, at least he seems ready to find a cause. I too had the the recorder device, and I hate to admit it, but I'm allergic to the sticky stuff that holds the electrode hookups on the skin and, the upper one also showed at the neckline of my clothes (I remember it was summer) so with the combination of my irritations with it, I didn't do it, I wore it about 3 days tops, but you're not allowed to do that missy! I already knew I had mitral valve and was just annoyed about them wanting to monitor me at that particular time in my life. :)
Ahh man that really stinks, being allergic to the gel..... I am not allergic to it but anything that touches me makes me real red and the nurse gave me "sensetive skin pads!" Mine is an event recorder and i can wear it when i want to because my heart only does it in my sleep, so i dont put mine on until nightime and when something happens i hit this record button. So i have thirty days, i thought for sure it was going to happen the other night. My husband came home and i had went to bed and he said something to the boys that woke me up and made me upset and my heart started racing, but not like SVT...... When it goes into SVT it starts when i am in a deep sleep. I went to my OBGYN today for my annual and i asked her for help, you know someone to talk to. I am getting so emotional and when its that time of the month i am psycho! I go through every range of emotion in five minutes....... Its just been too much really, and now with the job/ and economy, it just pushed me off the edge............. Other than that things are grrrrrrrrrreat! How have you been Rose?
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