How can someone ever lie and say they have ALS?

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Distinguished member
Apr 20, 2018
I belong to Facebook group where a member has been found to be claiming to have ALS when in fact the person does not! What could motivate them? Pity? Sympathy? Attention???? The person can have mine...I don't want it!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡
That’s so sad.

If they start a GoFundMe account, that would be evil.
The person did, but I think for a surgery not ALS related.
There are psychiatric illnesses, and you see some of them here, where people persuade themselves they have issues they do not.

There are also people who crave attention and concern, often pathologically, and will do almost anything to get it.

Then there is the money motive.
Munchausen by internet is a known phenomenon and they are generally attention seeking and needy.

there are some whose motives are simply scam or profit - to sell their cure or do a gofundme.

there are also some whose motive is less clear and more evil. They create and lot of drama and dissensionon purpose

we have had all three types here. When we find them we ban them. We certainly miss some.
I met a "CALS" with Munchausen by proxy. She claimed her husband had ALS and I took her word for it. She even named doctors and tests. She actually had him convinced he had ALS and he began to develop the symptoms.
Excuse me if I may re-post a comment I made in another thread...

FaceBook, (FB).... put your brain at risk. And... your privacy.

Just local here too.

Recently there were two FB news stories concerning the Winston Salem Police Dept. in
North Carolina. Both were actually stories of two different cities months ago.
The best they could trace it back to was.... Russia.

My own experience.... someone posing as my daughter sent me messages supposedly
in need of help. My daughter knew nothing about it.

Please take ANYTHING you see on FB with a grain of salt.

Laurie, thank you for what you wrote....

"There are also people who crave attention and concern, often pathologically, and
will do almost anything to get it." We see it here.
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Miss detecting some I meant. There are some that we have strongly suspected but we give benefit of the doubt
Why people fake illness, ALS is a evil beast- psych illness and greed. Them wishing death while those of us with ALS wish health and long lives. Faking illness and profiting should be illegal it’s wrong
A while back we had an old DIHALS poster who persisted for pages after pages he had
ALS after countless very knowledgeable members kept telling him he did NOT have ALS.
Somehow he managed to see several Neurologists, had numerous EMGs none indicating
LMN. I think he set a record for finding new Neurologists who would follow up with
more EMGs. Apparently he had money of his own to recruit Neuro after Neuro.

Ok, I was criticized for one being that I was questioning posters too aggressively.
(And sometimes even now.)

Finally, with my persistent questioning he finally replied,

"I want to cash in my life insurance under the terminal clause and retire on the beach."

Motive for some?

I think he was finally banned.
I wish I had life insurance to cash in.

I took a financial beating when I went on disability. Had I known I would progress this slowly, I might have done it differently.
If that person is who I think it is Al yes he was banned and years later is still hanging around another forum apparently undiagnosed
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