I need your perspective, please!


New member
Mar 20, 2024
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Hello all,

I want to thank any of you who take the time to respond. Hoping for strength for each and every one of you.

About 2 months ago I was referred to a neuro because of sensory issues (pins and needles) and twitching that I’d had for 9 months (twitching only, pins and needles came and went within 2 weeks and are no longer an issue.

My neuro appt went well - normal strength and reflexes. He scheduled an EMG (coming up in a few days) for my peace of mind.

Despite a clean clinical, I have been having what I think are myoclonic jerks while at rest (strong, painless spams that cause my leg or shoulder to jerk suddenly and involuntarily). My right calf also started feeling tight and crampy 2 days ago (this is the same calf that twitches the most). I’m also having increased twitching as well, and twitching in new places (lips, chin, temples, jaw). I’ve been twitching randomly, daily for a year now. About a month ago I started getting a simultaneous twitch in my finger and chin.

I’m wondering if any of this sounds alarming? The sudden jerks and simultaneous twitching and extremely nerve wrecking. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you so much 🙏

Please make sure to read here: Read Before Posting. In it, you will read that sensory issues point towards something other than MND/ALS. Twitching absent the hallmark sign of ALS- clinical weakness- can mean many things, despite what always seems to appear at the top of the list during online searches.

It sounds like your neuro is providing the proper care and working through the steps to eliminate a variety of things. With a clean clinical exam and sensory issues that come and go, you're looking at something else. The EMG will provide more information. If you are experiencing new symptoms, the doctor is who you would need to discuss them with. It will provide them additional points to consider when working through a diagnostic process.

Take care
Thank you very much for your response! I did read the sticky before posting and it has been helpful to me.
Sleep could also be a factor -- either lack of refreshing sleep or a movement disorder that primarily manifests at rest. So discussing a sleep study or using a wearable as a rough cut to assess your sleep (stages, pulse, resp rate, movement, O2 sats) can be helpful.
Thank you for your response! Sleep has certainly been lacking for me the last few months with all of my symptoms and could certainly be causing strange things.

My EMG was normal. Neuro said “as normal as one would want it to be.” The night after my EMG, I woke to my foot and toes moving involuntarily/twitching in the same leg that was tested. I’m curious if this is a common occurrence after EMG? Thank you for your input!
Congrats on the normal EMG. A feeling of tingling is not uncommon for a few days, which could cause movement in response.