Does this match with any of your onset symptoms?


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Jan 11, 2024
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Hello all, hate to ask this, this community seems really helpful. I am not a normally anxious person at all but after a month of this I am worrying myself sick.

In December out of nowhere I went completely numb on my left side facial drooping etc. I went to the ER, thinking I had a stroke. The Dr said it was a hemiplegic migraine. I never had any headaches or migraines before. I assumed he was correct now it has happened 3-4 times since and what I originally chalked up as postdrome has completely changed.

I haven't had a full blown migraine in a few weeks. I am getting constant twitches in my left arm and have what I perceive is about 60 percent of my strength and I also see a visual difference in my shoulder specifically. I am also getting hand cramps in my left hand now and my left foot, i injured about 2 years ago cramping up. and twitches all over my body occasionally and constantly in my left shoulder and bicep.

I have had a few Dr appointments including several blood panels, waiting for a neuro appointment still I have MRI scans next week but I live in a very rural area where neurologist are hard to get in too.

I'll get occasionally numbness with my weakness still. The last Dr appointment they did more blood work and CT scans which all came back normal. She said it was some sort of ridiculopothy.(sp?)

Is it possible for als to progress at the speed listed above?

Sorry to bother you all and I ultimately know the neurologist will have to diagnose me and I pray it isn't als. Do these symptoms mirror any of yours?

For reference I'm a very active 31 year old male.
Hello! Nope, facial drooping and numbness anywhere is not at all associated with ALS. Please make sure to read this: Read Before Posting, as it provides a fair amount of information and answers many of the questions that bring people here. While dr google directs people to ALS when they plug "twitching" into the search bar, a real doctor looks at the whole picture and knows that twitching can mean many things, depending on the array of symptoms that the person is experiencing along with their twitching. Yours happen to point towards something else.

Take care.
Thank you for the response. Now the numbness is occasional I think you are probably right. But now that I haven't had the migraines in awhile I'm worried they weren't migraines and signs of something else.

You are right, I need to stay off Dr. Google. In reality I'm a very healthy man, I haven't been to the Dr in around 10 years before this other than my fall a couple years back at work. I very rarely get sick with even a cold, maybe every few years. This hit me like a truck out of nowhere and a month of it has me worrying. I think because even minor things are really off for me I'm panicking because this seems so bad.

Sorry to ask the repetitive question as everyone else has. I didn't want to be that guy. I apologize.
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Once again, and for others in their 30s where ALS is very rare than
ALS itself being a rare disease...

Thousands of people have falsely convinced themselves they have a
serious disease after turning to 'Dr. Google' according to credited research.

Instead of alleviating concerns, 74 percent of those who have self-diagnosed
online searching for their symptoms made them have more anxiety about
their health. Then they relentlessly pursue a diagnosis of that disease only
increasing health anxiety.

That is due to the answers given by Dr. Google. Internet medical advice
was found by researchers to be misleading without proper evaluation by a
a qualified physician.

Sixty-five percent of respondents who used the internet to self-diagnose
themselves the results show typing your symptoms into the search bar
does more mental harm than physical good.

*Neurology years ago was just another department at medical facilities,
since Dr. Google came along, it now often takes weeks or months to
get an appointment and.... a real profit maker for them. Dr. Google
has become their best referral service as many now do not require a
referral from a PCP.
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No, ALS does not progress as fast or in the way you describe your issues, which are possibly postviral, especially if you did not recently suffer an injury or strain to your back. I would ask for inflammatory markers to be drawn by your PCP if not already done.

However, radiculopathy, essentially irritation of some of the nerve roots in your spine that control movement and sensation, may be seen on the MRI. If so, PT may help.

I expect the neuro visit to be reassuring as regards ALS. Meanwhile, I would double down on your sleep and nutrition on the theory that your body needs all the support it can get.
Does this seem like a complete emg to rule out als to you guys? The neuro said I have carpal tunnel (have known for years) and possibly cervical radiculopathy, along with hemiplegic migraines. We had a big language gap so I'm not sure why but he seemed to chock up facial numbness to the carpal tunnel and was very brief. I wasn't able to ask the questions I needed to. I'm still having weakness, and numbness in my left arm primarily and all of this is sudden onset within the matter of weeks. I'm also still having widespread twitching.

Sorry, still anxious.


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What we need to really help you is to post the Summary/Conclusion
found at the bottom of the report. I'm sure from what you said he
said wasn't also noted in type.

He most likely was brief because you are not of ALS concern and
maybe he is attributing a lot to anxiety. But you did get a diagnosis
of your other issues.

Get help for your Health Anxiety.
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That is all they posted, no summary notes
That is an utterly normal emg. The cts was in your ncs. The emg is the test that sees als. They did multiple muscles in your arms and also did cervical paraspinals so very thorough. No signs of als
Thank you, like I said before, Im not a naturally anxious person. This last month has completely changed everything I would normally do and I'm working myself up over it, having never experienced anything like this before.

I apologize to keep bugging you all, I joined the membership and would like to make a donation to support you all fighting this disease. Is there a preference on a charity within this community?
That is very kind. If you want to support research the big als centers are good choices. Patient services probably CCALS now they have expanded beyond southern New England
Hi friends, just following up after my neurologist appointment, they seem to think my weakness is still from the hemiplegic migraines I suffered and still have the weakness and numbness etc. apparently I've been having them daily without the headache portion is why my numbness and weakness etc has persisted, my stress probably contributed to the fasciculations that I'm having. I'm trusting my doctors and have been working on controlling what I can control, including my anxiety.

Thanks for the reassurance friends I was in a dark place with all of this, I appreciate everyone who chimed in. I may update one more time in the future once things are resolved or settled if my story might help someone else suffering with health anxiety and similar symptoms.

I'll be praying for every one of you suffering from this awful disease, may we one day soon find a cure.