clean emg

  1. N

    Tremors.. IS this normal for BFS?

    Hello, I am new in this forum.. You will have to forgive my english but it is not my mother language. I have been reading the posts for a long time. I must be honest I didnt even knew about the existence of ALS until i went to the doctor to check my fasciculations widespread (Initially I...
  2. A

    alex scared . . Emg update

    hi all . . Sorry for use delay but my internet access has been restrictd . Sorry again . . Anyway my emg result . my neuro met me on friday morning and told me that my emg came back with no abnormalities , and that i could be reassured by this . . The first thing i asked was does this count as...
  3. L

    question to wright: a scary study on fasciculations and cramps developping to ALS

    dear wright: there are four cases with BFS/BFCS with clean EMG developping ALS later on. Any comments on this would be appreciated: SpringerLink - Journal of Neurology, Online First? best wishes
  4. H

    MND or just another bout of hypochondria?

    Hello everybody, I guess I am not the only one here worrying about having MND (in my case: PMSA). I am frightened, spent much time thinking up worst case scenario’s. Need tranquilizers now and then to fence off the worst fears. Hope some of you find the time to read my (case)story below and...
  5. E

    Confused about clean EMG and ALS

    Hi, I read a thread over here where some people were arguing about clean emg at first and later developed in bad emg resulting in ALS diagnose. I'm very confused about this because some members say this is not possible and others say they read stories on here about it. Because of that I went...
  6. M

    Progression of symptoms with no diagnosis. Sound familiar

    In July 2009, I posted the following: "I have been reading this forum for about two months now and am so impressed by the support and information provided by the members. I am hoping to learn more and share my own experiences now as a member. I aoplogize in advance of for the long post but it...
  7. I

    wake up with paralized arm

    Hi, again.;) I posted here few times and I'm currently waiting for my neuro appointment next week. (FYI, normal clinical exam, clean EMG 8mon. ago, another normal clinical exam two weeks ago. I was told I do not have any neurological symptoms.) I am not here to ask if I have als or not...
  8. I

    I'm back again with symptoms.

    Hi, everyone. I'm 31yr old female. I posted here few times before regarding some of my symtomps. I wasn't able to post after that. This time I had to come back with different name. I used to log in as hina. I had body-wide subtle twitching, left arm and hand percieved weakness, right lower leg...
  9. O

    Terrible hypochondria or what?

    Hi all. I read many threads until decide to open this thread. Oh and sorry about my english. First of all I went 4 neuros. All was said "you are not als". But i think they are not expert of MND so they were maybe misdiagnosed me. My history was began 1 month ago with widespread...
  10. S

    had emg today

    My EMG is clean. That means no ALS. The bloodwork I had done showed thyroid disfunction and a low vitamin D level. This was the third bloodwork done. I have twitching, muscle weakness, fatigue in all 4 limbs. If you search on the symptoms Dr. Google comes back and shows sites about ALS...