I have a Neuro appointment in March also Alex; on the 15th. Im wondering how I feel about this one ... there is always a sense of apprehension I find, but this time I think Ive rather lost that urgency to know what's going on; I just know it's bad! Talking is my biggest problem at present, thankfully I can still manage a sentance or two reasonably often in a quiet room, but it is always painfull. No travelling at present: broken wheelchair! The isolation of being home bound is somewhat daunting I find, it has this foreboding sense of what is, I assume, ahead.
As we turn into Autumn I guess you are celebrating Spring. I have always wanted to experience Spring in Europe, having learned a bit about it in school when we studied German for years and years. It always struck me as being so dramatic, such a joy after the severity of Winter. Is that true? What does it do to your spirit?
Every blessing,