Does this sound like als? So scared.

I am a 19 year old male. I guess for the last few months I had this stiffness in my wrist area and around my calf but I never paid attention to it as it never bothered me. Recently since last Friday, the stiffness increased and almost turned into what felt like a growing pain. Since then my leg and arm have felt a little weaker and twitching. My foot has been getting weird sensations all the way to the top of the toes. Right above my knee is very twitchy, weak, fatigued. Keep in mind before all this I was studying for three test Wednesday Thursday Friday and Saturday and I got 6 hours of sleep at most, if that. I also suffer from depersonalization and anxiety and this could possibly be a body reaction to the long week of stress. Does any of this sound like als to you? I'm so scared. I just feel so gloomy and depressed since these symptoms started.

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