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  1. J

    Weight Loss/Bulbar-ALS

    I understand that Bulbar patients can sometimes lose weight because the can't swallow/eat. I've also heard that sometimes the metabolism for ALS patients runs higher. I'm not sure if that is the case with me. If I'm eating and don't have swallowing problems (yet), what could the relationship...
  2. J

    Startle Reflex-Hyperflexia?

    Good advice. Thanks. I'm sick of worrying like I have for the past 4 months. So is my wife.
  3. J

    Neuro Report

    11B, best of luck and God Bless to you and your family...
  4. 5.12C @ New River1[1]

    5.12C @ New River1[1]

  5. Me Climbing

    Me Climbing

  6. J

    UMN Presentation?

    Thanks for the reply Jennifer. Your first symptoms was loss of voice? Was it painful to speak or just difficult? Did you experience cramping at all? Thanks and God bless you moving forward.
  7. J

    Startle Reflex-Hyperflexia?

    Another example of this nervousness regarding feeling that I'm losing fine motor control (indicative of UMN), is I wondering if my constant worry/nervousness over UMN is causing some subtle shakiness that may be causing me to occasionally drop things. I'm up at 4 AM tossing my football back...
  8. J

    Startle Reflex-Hyperflexia?

    I've read input here from a number of people that UMN will present itself with cramping and hyperfexia as in exagerated startle response. My question here is can anxiety and being very nervous (about having Bulbar/ALS) also bring on hyperflexia/cramping? It's 4 AM right now for example and I'm...
  9. J

    UMN Presentation?

    I realize that typical ALS will present itself with weakness on one side. with Bulbar/UMN, will the cramping and weakness also present itself on one side first? Also, will the weakness start out in say a finger and move it's way up/out? Thanks and God Bless.
  10. J

    Cramps-EMG 2nd attempt?

    One example is that this morning I was pumping gas into my truck and the hand (palm near pinkie_ I was using to hold the pump started to feel a little pain and "cramp" some while holding the handle pumping gas in the cold weather. I had to take my hand off the handle shake it out then rub it and...