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  1. S

    Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields

    That's what I feel about it. My husband said that he "spoke" into the machine and it detected Lyme's. Well that's one of the first blood tests that was done. He doesn't have Lyme's. I understand that it mimics bulbar onset therefore since the machine uses your voice to detect problems, that is...
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    Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields

    Has anyone utilized this machine by a company called Amp Coil? Someone who uses the machine for other health issues showed it to my husband this past weekend and said it may be helpful to him. The guy isn't a sales person, just overheard his diagnosis and had him look at it. It's at least a...
  3. S

    New Here

    You are absolutely correct. Thank you for all of the clarification. Yes...We definitely do not know that there is anything MND related here. I put the more stretched possibilities here so as to possibly bring Janine back to Earth so to speak. Not meaning that in a derogatory way at all. I mean...
  4. S

    New Here

    Janine, Definitely not dismissing your worry and symptoms. That being said, MND doesn't necessarily mean ALS. There are many diseases that are in that scope. There are also several that mimic ALS. Those motor skills tests that you are somewhat mocking are a huge factor believe it or not. I can...
  5. S

    New Here

    Janine, I also want to add to your fear of ALS moving so quickly. I am assuming you have seen in your searches on internet and maybe even on this Forum Page where patients (PALS) have passed quickly after diagnoses. This is due to what I explained above. They had underlying symptoms that they...
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    New Here

    Janine, I am far from experienced here, but I can tell you I have done nothing but study this awful disease every since our PCP suspected ALS for my hubs. No, I have not seen anything anywhere that shows it to start in the pelvic areas. Another important thing that I really wish more people...
  7. S

    What?! Is this normal?

    That makes sense. Thank you. All so very new and scary. I know most of you have been here a long time and have a lot of experience. I greatly appreciate your input and education on all of it.
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    What?! Is this normal?

    Nikki, Yes, same Neurologist. I think I am going to call Nurse in the morning. He is doing half of body EMG on Friday the 5th and then other half of body on the 9th. He will also have his Pulmonary base line test on the 9th. We will get all final testing results from everything over the past...
  9. S

    What?! Is this normal?

    He just informed me that this has been happening periodically for past few weeks.
  10. S

    What?! Is this normal?

    Van says he can feel his rib cage and vertabre moving around when he twists around. He says that he feel each rib adjusting and will move back into place when he straightens back up. I hope this makes sense. He is Bulbar Onset...But wondering if this is moving into truncal area now. I slightly...