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  • Sorry for confusion about wall and conditions of membership. I'm from the UK and mum was 74 when she died last November. Looking back she had symptoms for probably a year before diagnosis in February 2014, by which time she could not walk or talk and was starting to have swallowing difficulties. For various reasons she never returned to her home and went to a Nursing Home. Fortunately she received excellent care and indeed we met another MND sufferer there. Sadly he and mum died within weeks of each other. I'm finding it difficult to believe she's gone and I'm easily irritated and react quite angrily to things that shouldn't really bother me. I started counselling recently so hopefully that will help. I didn't join any forums until November as I felt it was mum's journey and not my story to tell. Looking back I was on a treadmill that stopped abruptly and now I feel lost. Sorry for rambling. X
    Looks like it only works in the forum sections! Don't worry, today is a day I needed to laugh. It's not a word I ever use, and the fact it seemed so out of character for you as I know you here is what made me laugh. Just to be able to give a normal laugh at silliness was a gift Dusty and I thank you.

    Just wanted to thank you for your responses and knowledge on here. I lurk daily, and you have responded to some of my threads. Just thought you should know that all of us coming to this site with extreme concerns trult appreciate your (and all members') input regardless of it we always express it or not.
    Cool, I must have missed the goings-on. What did he do?

    And I agree with all the proposed reductions in responses to DIHALSers. I have sort of pulled way back because my Sticky says it all. So long as other PALS are telling them to read the Sticky, that covers my thoughts also. If you all ever change your mind and want to pile on a DIHALSer, cunt me in... but limiting it to 2 resplies is probably best.
    Appreciate all your assistance and words Tillie. You responded to a post by bluedog about perceived vs clinical weakness.... it was an A or B type answer he was looking for. Most people said they felt both A & B.... A was clinical without feeling, B was feeling weak while doing tasks. I'm such a wreak at the moment..... breakdown every time I hug my children. I'm scared to go back for another EMG as I think I will fail.
    I cant see me just turning this around and being healthy again..... especially when I continue to get worse. I had a clean EMG at 5 months.... that's my only hope.

    I have had symptoms for 11 months now, Up until 3 weeks ago I would have said my symptoms were stable.... Just felt like slight Jello legs but I had strength when I needed it. My hands would feel stiff at times but were still very strong. Lately everything has changed.... I'm clumsy with my hands, my forearms, arms, legs constantly cramp... I have trouble typing, walking etc.... I know something is really wrong. I'm so scared and its taking a toll on my wife and work...... I even seen a post today where you said your husbands legs felt heavy... That's how I feel like limbs are heavier!!!!
    I know I have anxiety, however I have never felt this bad in my entire life something is really wrong. Every time I convince myself I haven't got it I hear a story of a lady who had trouble walking and felt weak and stiff...... I then come online and hear stories that you don't feel weakness you just cant do things.... I then see people with similar symptoms to mine who are diagnosed 6 or 12 months later.
    Thanks Kim, ho ho ho to you over there too.
    It's still raining this morning and should be raining by lunchtime at my home. I'm so glad I got all the mowing done before I left as you can watch it grow in this weather, especially with a bit more rain!
    It's all over for me, I've survived and I'm looking forward to the year ending now and a new one starting. xx Tillie
    Merry Christmas Tillie. It's pretty warm today for winter weather in central Illinois at 48 degrees. So,it's not a White Christmas this year. I am kind of a scrooge about the whole thing. Kind of wanting it to just get over with. Miss spend Christmas eve with my dad since he's not in Dallas. I will have to go visit him pretty soon. The problem is I really hate the Dallas area with every ounce of my being. But, I'm going to have to go and deal with it. I'm at work right now. I get off and six and then come back for another shift a midnite. Take care, Kim
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