Happy Holidays - New Year, New People, New Hope

ALSforums started back in March, 2006 and has grown substantially since. In the last nine months we have seen our membership double, currently at over 1,400 members and counting. We are a community of support, education and help to those affected by ALS.

The success of this website and support forum is directly attributed to the great efforts made by each member, members who post questions, answer questions, share experiences and messages of inspiration and kindness.

The success of the site can be witnessed reading through the threads of the site - posts by people who are helping each other every day. Discussions of diagnosis, care, kindness, help and support abound the pages of our site.

We very much look forward to this continuing long in to 2007 and beyond. Thank you once again to all of the members for their dedication and kind nature.

Here are some general statistics, we hope to see these grow next year:

  • 10,000+ visits per month
  • 1,400+ members
  • 60-100 new members each month
  • 860+ visitors per day
  • 25,000+ page views per month

Thank you very much to everyone involved - your kindness and good nature makes this site what it is - thank you, and to all a good night, :)


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