Worrying symptoms, possibly SSRI related.

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New member
Aug 17, 2023
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Hello all,

I will preface this by saying I read the “read before posting” memo and found it extremely helpful. I will also say that I suffer from severe health anxiety and always have. I recently started taking Zoloft again after being on a break from it for a while, so some of these symptoms may correlate. I see a doctor on Monday to discuss my concerns. I’m a 27 year old female and mother of two.

Recently I started noticing jerky/twitching movements when resting. I am also suffering from a bad case of restless leg syndrome right now (Zoloft has worsened it). They are in my legs, toes, arms, thighs etc. Bilaterally but mostly right side. I do get arm pain a lot from sleeping/driving all day for work, so I am not concerned about the pain, but I’ve been feeling “tingles” and pins and needles in my right arm as well. I also have horrible sciatica (can literally hear my back cracking when I switch my posture sometimes) so I’m used to my legs feeling off, but I’m worried they feel weak. I am obsessing over my arm and testing its strength often. I get tingling/zapping sensations on other parts of my body too, pretty much everywhere. It’ll almost feel like a flutter/tickling- Very hard to describe. Sometimes the twitches will quiver hard/can be visually seen pulsating. I even feel it in my face. My legs feel like jello at times too.

Today I also noticed my jaw felt “heavy” and that I was salivating a lot more than usual. I typically have a very dry mouth, especially from the SSRI. This has made me panic even more about my symptoms.

I’m planning on seeing my doctor Monday and am trying to stay off of google. I know my age is on my side in this one but unfortunately, as it does, anxiety is getting the best of me right now.

None of what you're experiencing sounds like ALS. The tingling may be from your back. Your doctor may want to do an MRI of your spine to see if there is nerve compression. I was born with scoliosis and it can be painful.

I'm sure your doctor will perform the necessary tests. You might need a sleep study and meds to control RLS.

Best wishes.
If you really have RLS, taking an SSRI but not any meds for RLS seems odd. And certainly evaluating your spine seems warranted., as Kim notes. But I think you have answered your own questions relative to ALS. You have not described it.
The RLS started recently. Right around the time I started Zoloft again. I know Zoloft worsens sleep symptoms.

The excessive saliva/weak tingling feeling in hands is what’s concerning me the most
But those things can be from poor sleep/positioning. There is no reason to jump to something like ALS.
I went to the doctor today. He did a test of my legs, I’m assuming to test strength/reflexes. He noted everything to be normal and suggested I taper down my SSRI to 50mg vs 100 as he said that could be causing the muscle issue.

Today I’ve had jerks on my arms and legs that you can see, almost like when you’re falling asleep/doing the “falling” thing. It’s continuing to scare me but I’m trying to let it be.
Hi, I was hoping I could get your opinion on this. I went to the ER last night because my entire right side of my body was tingling, even my face. I wasn’t in pain but I was numb and tingling everywhere. The doc sent me for a ct scan to rule out anything in the brain, and then did a reflex test. She stated everything was normal but I noted that my right leg jerked very large compared to my left. When I read about this after, I’m concerned it’s Hyporeflexia.

I’m still really anxious about my symptoms and the twitching tonight is in both legs and even my back/buttocks.
Hi there-

Sensory issues really do point to something else. You will have to consult with your doctor to figure out what's going on. This forum really can't help with helping you get a diagnosis, as we've provided what we can in the way of reassurance and information about ALS. Because you do not report the pattern of symptoms that might indicate a motor neuron disease, this forum is not really the place to visit for advice.

It must be very worrying for you to experience numbness and tingling, enough so that you went to the ER, so it's important to follow up with your family physician.

Take care

I did ask for a neuro referral from my doc via the portal and am waiting to hear back. As I type this my legs, back, and feet are twitching all at once. It’s very distressing as I feel as though the fact that it’s widespread is concerning.

As far as brisk reflexes in the knee, is that something for me to worry about also? The doctor didn’t seem concerned but I keep self testing and they definitely shake when tapped in the patella.
Widespread twitching argues strongly against ALS.

Self-testing reflexes is a complete waste of time. Reflexes can be scored differently, they can change from day to day, etc. And reflexes in themselves say nothing about ALS.

Again, the recommendation would be to treat the RLS with a drug that addresses it, and to ask about spine imaging. If there are findings that PT can help with, you can get a referral.

So there are concrete things you can do to treat conditions that you are more likely to have something in the family of. Hanging out here is not one of those things.
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