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Have been reading this site on and off for a while. My beautiful daughter was diagnosed in Oct 2008. She's a wonderful mother to three children, a loving wife and a terrific daughter. So badly want a cure before we run out of time.
Hi Tracey'sMom,
Welcome in. You forgot to metion your daughter has a concerned and caring Mom.
Welcome Traceys Mom. Sorry you had to come looking for us.

Happy to find this forum. Not really the face to face support group type. Still having a hard time not crying every time I have to tell someone about my hubby's ALS diagnosis. Am hoping to find a way to vent. People admire my strength...on the outside I am the rock, because I need to be. On the inside I have a small crack of the stone that forms my rock. It's been 9 mos. Does it ever get any easier to tell people about it?
Yes and welcome! It might take a really long while, but hey, why wouldn't it?!? We are going on 5 years and I've just recently lost the tears. Don't feel bad about it.

You might want to mosey on over to the caregivers forum, when you have a chance.
Welcome, so sorry you have to be here.
My husband was diagnosed 18 months ago, and there are still many people we have not told. His progression has been slow. It has not gotten any easier for me. In some ways, it has gotten harder because we are now past the stage of hoping the diagnosis could be wrong. In our earliest tellings, we always added the caveat that we were hopeful it was an incorrect diagnosis, but now that is no longer true. Another hard part for me in telling others is that they are so shocked, and saddened, and then I feel bad for having told them, and upset them. How crazy is that?!
Hello and welcome, all newcomers. Sorry you need to be here, but hope you find support and help!

Hi! Mrs. C and all new members, it does get easier. I still cry every once in awhile if I feel safe but I think there's nothing wrong with crying now and then. I have found that being psycologicaly strong and keeping a positive attitude makes me stonger which helps the people I care about stay strong from what I can tell. It's pretty cool how that all works! :) I'm sorry you have a need to be here but glad you've found us. I pray for strength for us all.
Hi, I am new here, my b/f has been diagnosed by one dr but has appointment for 2nd opinion. I'm here to learn, seek guidance/support and possibly offer the same. It's overwhelming.
Welcome to the new members. This is a great place for support and information.
Hi. My name is Marvin from Long Beach, CA. I was diagnosed with ALS yesterday. I am 61 years old, married, with a wife and two children. Although it's not official yet, until yesterday I was a high school geometry teacher and girl's basketball coach. I would appreciate help in learning about what's going to happen to me.
Welcome all you newbies. I hate anyone has to be here, but you will find friends, info that is usually better than most Dr', and most of all we all understand...
Hey, Marvin! We will support you in any way we can. Sorry for your diagnosis.
Welcome Martin, valuable info on this site plus support you'll hardly find anywhere else.
Hello Everyone,
I have been a lurker on this site for many months now....My wonderful husband was diagnosed 3/11. After over a year of tests and more tests....

I am grateful for this site and all of the valuable information I have been able to gleen from you all. I feel like I know most of you already!


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