Just a note...

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Clearwater AL

Extremely helpful member
Forum Supporter
Aug 28, 2013
Get Real
Being I can't post on CALS/past CALS forum

Just a note... "Affected", "Tillie" has stepped away and so have others that were very
active contributors to the forum. Tillie was a huge contributor to the forum.
I guess for some, it comes to point where it is time to put ALS and the loved one they
lost behind... moving on with their lives after.

I lost my wife many years ago when she was only 32 years old. The first year after
was haunting dark days on and off. But, friends and family helped me move on with
life. I have a few things from her but everything of our times I disposed of to those
who would appreciate it.

I have a huge roll top desk with TV, computer monitor, stereo, VCR, books, paper
work (bills/documents) in the drawers, and... my multi function high back office
chair in the corner of our dinning room. My Office, my perch, many hours of the day.

At Holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas when friends and family are here, countless
pictures of me sitting there (here now) have been taken. I've told Ann, move it all on
to new homes. Same for my fully equipped shop down stairs... get the money on all
that collection acquired over 50 years. Take a trip somewhere.

After time, I'd support her if someone else became part of her life. Each to their own
of eventual comfort and peace.
AL, Thank you for taking the time to write this. I can picture you sitting near your roll top desk...your perch as you call it!
Thanks Mary. Just another added note. I' m not one into that "Looking Down" thoughts
of those who passed. Maybe so... After my young wife passed I was single about 25+ years.
Kinda got known as "Clearwater Al" in the area from many of my escapades and
and having good times. Thinking about it... I sure hope my mother wasn't looking
down at times during those years. Thinking back... there's a couple that make me
cringe now. But... it was the times back then in the Florida I remember. Not today.

But... it's what those wish to believe that helps them get through sad times.
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I'm still in touch with Mike, former moderator. Both Tillie and Mike posted a lot and helped many. They will never forget their loved ones but, I'm sure, both knew when it was time to step away. I know they both have active lives and I hope they both thrive.

I know Mike has done some traveling with his children and their spouses and he is also a grandfather X2.

I wish all the CALS and former CALS the best.

As for my possessions, I've given away most of my jewelry. I was never a jewelry person but that must be the default gift for men LOL. I recently revised my Will knowing that both nieces and their children have done very well....better than me.
As for my shop... I've told Ann to contact an auction company. Keep a basic set of tools
but the automotive, electronic, carpentry, painting and concrete tools she wouldn't need.
The automotive equipment would probably bring the most. Hopefully, rather than
having an auction here, they'd make her an offer to just take it all and haul it off.

Her son will be able to help her negotiate. He has no place to put it... condo dweller.
He's somewhat mechanically inclined... but not into mowing a lawn, trimming and
general outside upkeep owning a house. More common for his generation now. :)

Our two car garage (two separate doors with a wall in between) is the basement of the
house. One side is mine... the other is hers. :) We even manage to keep her car in one
side. Mine sits under a cover outside.

I hope all this doesn't happen in the near future. Even though I can't use most of the
equipment in my shop now.... I enjoy sitting at my bench watching TV and tinker
with little projects.

Really something PALS and CALS need to talk about early. Maybe not an easy topic
to talk about, at some point in progression, but not to keep putting off.
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