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My mum isn't considering anything at all, she just keeps plodding along, doesn't want to consider the different things we needs to make her life easier- ie. hospital beds, Peg, Wheelchairs etc. Unless I get in there and say you need a wheelchair, she just keeps saying no to things. Once she tried the wheelchair out,she understood how much quicker and easier for her it is to go out and about the shops etc.(Just an example). Rhonda, vent to me anytime - my mum does the whole pointing thing, and then when you get her to write down what it is she wants,it is completely not what you thought it was and you say - how am I supposed to get that from your gesture. I think at times they know what they are saying in their head, but don't get that we cant hear them anymore! I am only getting more worried now as she has had at least one fall every week for the past 4 weeks - with a walker! Things are progressing as they do.
sometimes you just have to take charge and tell her this is the way it has to be and just do it
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