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Senior member
Feb 6, 2011
On facebook a short six minute film appeared about healing ALS through alternative methods, primary though supplements, diet, and showed pictures of several ALS patients who have lived several years including Eric, who is considered a fraud on this site now having ALS 19 years...look at his picture now and continue to call him a fraud... I am going on five years following what they are doing and still walk, talk, eat, breath on my own...have not reversed ALS but very slow progression...I still believe reversal can be done even though I have been called dumb and cruel on this expectancy can be extended but takes dedication for the long haul, not over night...
I believe I have seen the film you refer to. I have to say it did not change my mind. I am happy you have such a slow progression and if it works keep doing it!

The problem is none of us know what our progression would be if we did things differently

I know a man who has had ALS ( documented confirmed reconfirmed) for 22 years. He uses a manual wheelchair, has the use of his arms still eats and has comprehensible ( barely) speech. No rilutek, no nuedexta, no feeding tube no bipap no special supplements. Just the way it went for him. If he had taken supplements I might be taking the same things but of course they would not account for his longevity

I hope the things I chose to do will help. But even though there are averages for my gene type there is wide variation. My mom lived 10 years, Mike's wife died in less than one. The average is 2.5. And my mom took calcium with d. Period.
If it is a persuasive video and the system gives you hope, then go for it.

My personal experience was quite the opposite. So I'll place my trust in non-alternative therapies where the research population is greater than N=2.

to date research has produced nothing that all present ALS patients have access to....I do wish possible drugs would go through human safety trials before being announced with a lot of many drugs have been announced following success on mice, fruit flies, zebra fish, earth worms then drop into a black never to be heard from again....the latest up now is copper, few years ago it was lead....some make it to trials, no after action repots and the drug disappears, not meeting criteria...guess that's why we are divided, believers and none believers
Hi everyone!

The most recent research findings that someone here posted a link to showed a possible treatment becoming available in the future showing a connection to an existing drug for treating epilepsy which has as a base the anti-oxcitants found in blueberries. You can guess what I have have been consuming in large amounts recently -- and I never ate them before this year!
>On facebook a short six minute film appeared about healing ALS through alternative methods, primary though supplements, diet, and showed pictures of several ALS patients who have lived several years including Eric, who is considered a fraud on this site now having ALS 19 years...look at his picture now and continue to call him a fraud... I am going on five years following what they are doing and still walk, talk, eat, breath on my own...have not reversed ALS but very slow progression...

would you please pm or email link?
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