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Dr is talking about a trach to help me breath, I still walk (not very far) still bathe and feed myself, I'm considering getting it, my family would kill me if I didn't. I feel that I will be bulbar until I die, I have faculations everywhere and can't speak anymore, get most of my liquids through the PEG tube, I can still eat most things. I'm not ready to give up but I would never want to live motionless. God Bless you CALS that have to make these impossible decisions!
This thread is SO important.

There is no right or wrong answer. Some PALS lose their breathing abilities early and if that is supported by a vent, continue with quality life. Some PALS however lose so much before the vent is discussed and as Debbie says - they are simply kept alive. Well, what does 'alive' mean I would think privately.

I never shared this before, because I never would have wanted my Chris to read this, but of course he is now gone.

When first diagnosed he was adamant that he wanted quality of life, we discussed what that was and he asked me to help him when it became too much. I totally agreed and assured him I would.

After a couple of months he began talking to other PALS on fb, many of them who were long term venters. His FTD was setting in too I would remind ...

He began to show me photos of these PALS and say how it doesn't look so bad and that he intended to become the longest living PALS in history.

I was so horrified and inside I was screaming like I'd been thrown over a cliff!

I discussed it quickly with health support people here and discovered that in Australia there is NO CHOICE TO VENT for ALS. I calmed quickly knowing that it was not to be. Sadly he made a lot of noise about what a great idea it is even to his own children. But he never told them later when he discovered it would not be possible here. They asked me about it just in his very last weeks, thinking it must be time it was going to happen! One daughter was devastated that her father was going to die very soon as she had just believed he would live on for many years, and I was left the bunny that had to explain it all to his children. None of them had ANY idea what being on a vent would mean with the type of progression he had.

If someone has no speech, no swallow, no arms, no legs, high degree of spasticity and pain, why would they want a vent?

PLEASE PALS here don't think I am saying no one should vent. I'm saying a vent should only be considered if the person vented will have LIFE, not just be kept alive in a locked in hell.

He made me interpret for him to the last neurologist we saw, and I was so embarrassed when I had to say: "Chris says the only reason they do not vent MND patients in Australia is because they do not care about them and just want them to die and go away" (gotta love FTD)

I know now, as he progressed that he would have possibly refused the vent because he learned the reality of the horror that he would be kept trapped in. But with FTD I could be wrong. He did not have bipap because he would put everything off until the last minute, (because he felt that this was how you 'fight' the disease) and by the time he agreed to it (2 weeks before he died) he was far too unwell to tolerate the whole process of sleep studies and adjusting to a mask with high saliva issues and no hand function.

I also agree that making choices about the hard decisions of peg and vent has nothing to do with GIVING UP. My Chris felt he was "fighting" to the end. He was. He fought against everything that could have given him better quality of life, he fought against me in very cruel and spiteful ways, and just fought for the sake of fighting something. In fact, he gave ALS the chance to run amok and progress as fast as possible because his ways of fighting only made things worse. He could have conserved so much energy to use to enjoy what he had, but he saw that as 'giving up'.

I strongly believed in letting him control what he could, regardless of my opinion on the choices. He would often say to me - it is MY disease, it is happening to MY body. So my choice was to a) take his control and dictate how I thought it should be, or b) to let him choose and accept the consequences. At least I have a lot of peace now that he is gone that he did it his way and I supported him. I am extremely thankful that Australia does not vent and that choice at least was made for us.
Tillie, your post is one of the best I've ever read here. You were very brave to share such painful truth. Thanks.

One of the hallmarks of this disease is that everybody suffers, and decisions must not only consider the impact on the patient, but also on the family. The survivors must carry on emotionally, financially, and otherwise. It's just hard all around.
That's why'll I love you so much Tillie. You speak from the heart and with so much honesty. Mike you are also one of the CALS I admire. Some people don't want to hear the truth. I'm not one of them. As you can tell in my posts, honesty is the best policy.

We can go on and on about whether to vent or not vent. In the end, it's a personal decision.

Janie, please know that you will require 24/7 care if you decide to be vented. You can NOT be left alone. If you have someone that is willing to take on that responsibly that would work. If not, you will have to pay someone to help out. When you are vented, there is no help as far as free care. You need to check all of this out before hand. Like Mike said, It's hard all around...........

Thanks for the honesty, you gave me something to think about. Noninvasive is probably the best idea for me at this time. As long as I can put my mask on and off by myself I should stay independant, I don't want anyone in my family to be in Debbie's shoes. My heart goes out to you all. Thank you
love you Janie
I made that decision months ago for the same reasons mentioned by Debbie , have no desire to put anyone through that and I value my independence too much to want to live that way. When I get to the point where it's that or die, just let me go
Tillie, I have told my CALS all about you and Chris, he wants to say something to you:

Hello Tillie and all my Moms friends here, First of all I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart! All of you have given my Mom, my best friend and Mother, someone to talk to and has made this horrible time better, when we say we love you, we mean it. I am her full time care giver, and I was moved by your comment. I dont want my Mom going through a motionless hell just waiting to die, I want her as happy as she can be. I do not believe at this time she needs the surgery, we have made a family choice not to have it yet. She still has full range of motion in her limbs, and still eats, yes she has most of her fluids delivered through her PEG, but for now, we feel, is not the time for the surgery. I am taking everything the CALS on this site say to heart, you all have been through it, as I am going through it. I will be there 24/7 for her when needed, but until then, we are living life and living it well. Thank all of you for touching our hearts from all over the world, we are truly blessed by God to have people like you in our lives......We love you and stay strong..... Jack!
oh Jack, you made me cry - nice tears, but I'm a bit emotional today anyway.

I love that your family have banded together and are gathering good information to make informed decisions together. That IMHO is what truly constitutes QUALITY OF LIFE. Not so much which decision you all make on any matter, but that you find out all sides, you discuss it together and you make your own decisions.

You have just made my decision to stay here after losing Chris completely worthwhile (not that I doubted it before). We would all be lost in a sea of storms battling this alone, but at least we patch some rafts together by supporting each other, and help guide each other through.

I can't say how good it is to hear that you are living life well. That's what life is all about, regardless of our circumstances, and if the monster takes that from us it truly won. You are not letting it win, you are rising above and Janie is so blessed.

Fighting is accepting. By accepting that it is what it is, we can fight to live with quality and dignity.
Wow, all I can say is that you are very brave and I am sure your family will support you with whatever choices you do finally make.

ALS sucks but it cannot take away all we have lived and loved until the very end !

God bless you and your family.


Thank you for your response.......I have reassured my husband that I am on board with whatever he decides. I told him that I would stand by his decisions and be brave. We are the lucky ones and have had more than most will ever have. ALS cannot and will not ever truly separate us from one another. I have faith and know that we will always be together!

I thank you for your insight and pray everyday for a cure.

God Bless,

>I have reassured my husband that I am on board with whatever he decides. I told him that I would stand by his decisions and be brave. We are the lucky ones and have had more than most will ever have. ALS cannot and will not ever truly separate us from one another. I have faith and know that we will always be together!

that is what really counts...
Doug, thank you for your kind words and insight......I wish you and Karen much love and peace in all of your decisions.

It really does make me feel better to read everyone's posts and know that we are not alone -- all the love and support is what really makes a difference in getting through this awful disease.

This is so hard. You are all so brave. I hope I can learn how to be brave from all of you.

I am so overwhelmed right now that I really don't know for sure just HOW I feel. I will get back with you when I have time to sit down and not be in a rush to get somewhere.

I'm sorry that I can't give any helpful insights yet. But I have begun including ALL of you in my daily/nightly prayers. I refer to you as my Forum Family. I am so grateful that we can hang onto our shared strength.
Flashdance, we are a family! what ties us together is not blood, but love and concern. Welcome! sorry you have to join us, but we are all here for you.
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