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Marjorie R. Wilcox

Senior member
Nov 21, 2007
New York
If there is anyone out there that was asking Rick and I questions about Rick's ALS, and didn't get any answer, please try again. I answered them all, but some didn't get out to you correctly, and we don't know which ones. We have it straightened out now, and hopefully it won't happen again.

We are more than glad to help anyone if we can. Thanks.
This is very sweet of you, Marjorie. Hope Rick is doing ok and I hope you are getting the proper rest for a caregiver!
You're so kind, Cindy. We hope you are doing well too.

Today we were out in this 40 degree weather (a real thaw) to go to a college basketball game about an hour away. Our pastor's son played in the last 3 minutes, and we were excited (he's a freshman.) We washed our car and went out to dinner too.

Rick's butt gets sore on the bleachers, and he had trouble coming down off of them, but there was a railing, so he made it fine.

He drove there. I drove home, as he gets tired. He will likely go to bed by 8:00 but it was a good day.
As caregiver, I am doing fine. I did quit my job so I could spend more time with Rick. I soak up all the wonderful attention I get from him.... and we are doing so great. I am filled with trepidation though, to think of all that could come.... and when.

My sister is fighting leukemia, our pastor colon cancer (only thirty-eight) and many others are on the prayer list for one thing or another. It is just our time of life, and you can't do anything about things. You can sulk and think doom, or make the most of every day!

Hang in there everyone!
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