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New member
Aug 31, 2009
I am thoroughly confused (and so is everyone else) as to what my diagnosis is. Since march 2008 i've seen 15 doctors, which included 4 neurologists & 2 speech therapists. I've been mri'd, ct'd & ultrasouned from head to foot. I've had 4 emg, which were normal in my extremities. I just returned from mayo clinic in april, with a diagnosis of bulbar palsy, maybepre als or not. The main problem is my voice, mainly my tongue, in slurring of my speech, difficulty chewing & swallowing. I am an active nurse who is a team leader in a busy operating room. I've been a nurse for 35 years. Having received this "diagnosis", they gave me no suggestions about my daily routine, just return to work & wait. It has been very hard to communicate, especially over the phone. But i've been doing it for 1-1/2 years. My coworkers are very supportive. However, today my manager called me in his office & said he's had several complaints about my communication & he was going to work with me & human resources & put me on disability. Now, none of my doctors would come out & say that i can't do my job, so how can human resources tell me i have to be on disability? I am only 54 years old, other than my bulbar symptoms, i feel really good. I have lost weight, maybe 5-7 lbs. Physicaly i work 40 hours a week. Has anyone experienced bulbar palsy without having als? Does anyone know, is there any law that says you can't discriminate against people with a speech disorder (there are people in the dept who are difficult to understand because of accents).
I would appreciate if you could help me out here.:?:
Hi there. Sorry you're getting the shaft at work. Somebody must have complained to HR. They're not going to try to force you out without cause. You could sue their butts off. No idea about US law. Do you have a human rights commission? Sorry to say but you can have the bulbar form of ALS and have no extremity involvement for quite some time. That said, there are other things that can cause the problems you describe but as a nurse I'm sure you are aware of the reputation of the Mayo Clinics. It's hard to discount their findings. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

Illinois Attorney General - Disability Rights

Yes, there is The Americans with Disabilities Act! Your workplace is supposed to make reasonable accommodations for any kind of disability.

Contact your attorney general's office (link above). I'm sure they can direct you to the proper channels. Sounds your workplace is trying to squeeze you!
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