Minding your mitochondria

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Aug 5, 2014
São Paulo
I was looking at things like mitochondria and atp production and found this:

Minding your Mitochondria | LifeJus | Juice That Brings Life to Life

I don't know if anyone tried this with als, but there is the link. I read that atp production and processing by mitochondria is one of the problems so maybe this can help.

Actually if you put the words "juice mitochondria atp" on google there are many other recipes.

Beet juice appears to be another good candidate:

New Study: Beet Juice Increases Contractile Muscle Force in Humans | The Red Rush Blog
The first thing I saw in your link was the word "miracle."

Roger, I noticed that your profile says "I am being diagnosed" since a year or more now. But didn't an ALS specialist clear you of ALS a long time ago?
I usually post this things on alstdi forum. I don't know if you read the first link entirely but the word miracle was used in the context of MS and the author experience in reversing the symptoms in that condition. Thats why I wrote "don't know if was used in als". I have bean reading more about research in Als and many of them say there is a problem in the atp production and processing so I was trying to find natural ways to improve atp production. In the case of beet juice they say it increase the muscle strength and is something that tirasentiv, for example, tried to do without success. I am not claiming that any of this will have any effect on disease progression, but since they are natural things and a drug that can do something is years away I think it is worth a try. Maybe this can help someone, maybe not, but since it is natural I think it will not do any harm.
As of my condition, until four months ago I was fine but unfortunately I started having severe weakness in my arms, a little atrophy in my legs and weakness in my neck (cannot hold my head straight anymore) so the neurologist said that with these new symptoms he cannot say it is something benign, so I will have to wait and do the tests again to see if the things got worse but its becoming more difficult to do the daily things so it will probably end up being als or something similar.
If this kind of post is somehow offensive please let me know and I can stop posting this here and put just on alstdi forum.
I read that book when my sister was diagnosed. Her original neurologist who was not a neuromuscular specialist suggested it. I believe he was used to recommending it for his MS patients and offered it in the can't hurt category.
After reading it over, although it seemed healthy enough it did not seem at the time worth the effort and I gave the book to someone who did have MS

My sister did not end up following it either. In her case the urgent need was high calorie food to maintain an acceptable weight. I am not sure how you balance the book's recommendations with the high calorie high carb recommendations from research specific to ALS
Personally, I think the info on those links can be confusing for new PALS. I think the people who read ALSTDI might get more benefit from it.

For instance: "beet juice [may] increase the muscle strength" could be confusing, since the problem in ALS is not muscle strength, per se, but destroyed nerves sending signals to the muscles.

For the record, I really disagree with anyone who says '"since it is natural I think it will not do any harm." But I think you would be totally familiar with my argument, so I won't take our time here.

I don't mean to say this kind of post is "offensive." Perhaps I'm being too sensitive, worrying that it would confuse new PALS.
I think it is hard to follow that diet and maintain/ achieve the somewhat elevated BMI that correlates with increased survival and as I mentioned before the high calorie high carb diet that showed benefit in a small study of PALS. If I have to pick, I am going to try to do the things that show promise in actual PALS. If bench research is either supported by PALS research or at least not contradicted by it then that is different. I am currently taking Tudca based mostly on bench research on c9 but supported by a small PALS study too. And I started gastrodin based solely on bench research.

I have not encountered those authors before. Have they published much on ALS and I just missed them? Not that new researchers don't contribute great things but if I don't know their work I am a little more hesitant to make decisions that are truly life or death
The Wahls MS thing is a commercial enterprise; she markets several books and a paid-members-only Web site for the "protocol." 6-9 leaf/veg cups a day is a lot of chewing/swallowing and lost calories by implication. And it should go without saying that electrostim for MS isn't the same as for ALS.

The potential harm here is low-cal, difficult-to-consume diets in ALS. There's a FB thread on "ALS" from last year that is highly irresponsible -- the dz entity discussed is clearly not ALS by history ("motor neuron disease" began in teens, resulted in "ALS" @ 42). So if someone is interested in functional foods, I would recommend non-commercial resources.

Beet juice I'm less worried about.
Nikki, I don't know if they did other things on als research.
Atsugi, I think you are right about confusing new people, I didn't think about that. I will post this type of thing just on alstdi forum.
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