Here for you!

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Active member
Mar 24, 2012
The Hague
Hi my wonderful friends!

I am very happy i DON'T have ALS! As i know this now I want to tell you was a nurse before i got ill. During the diagnoses process i didn't want to share this, i needed energy for myself and of course still do. BUT I want to be there for GENERAL medical questions, I am not a docter, I can't diagnose, but i can and am happy to answer questions in general, be as specific as you can be. I'll always be honest, if i don't have the answer you won't get it... ;)

You're a good friend Dear Anja!
Cool! Both you and Aly are our resident nurses here then...
is incontinence part of the ALS deterioration process or do most people stay continent throughout?
Hope. The doctors say no, but many of us say YES.
it seems as though if all the muscles become virtually useless then so would the muscles controlling continence. have read that incontinence is not part of ALS. hmmmmmm. seems it would be.
Yes your right you would that.The heart is a muscle as well .

But both aren't effected
The voluntary muscles are affected, but the involuntary ones, like the heart, are not... there's a great video in 3 sections on u tube that explains it all pretty well, it was posted here a few weeks ago...
Thats a good thing .
the retention of urine is a voluntary process. it can be affected by ALS. But also the urgency can be part of it. Like everything else about this disease some get it others not so much. It makes it hard to know what is what. The ear and sinus infections are not ca used by it but the weakening of the muscle in the upper part of the throat play a role in them being more frequent in ALS pts. Per my neuro…part of the untangled crowd and my own research
The least I read and know the better l feel.I know enough living with this beast .
When mobility slows, it becomes difficult to get to the toilet to void. Difficult to determine whether it's the chicken or the egg that comes first.

Back to Anja: thanks for hangin' around. Glad you don't have ALS.
A lot of medications can cause problems.
Yes, Anja. You're the sweetest. Now let's find out what YOU have.

Sending prayers,
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