Sort term memory?

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Legendary member
Sep 27, 2006
My husband has always had ADHD and takes medication but, lately things seem a bit weird. He will ask me a question and I will answer and then he will ask me a couple of hours later the same question. Losing keys, the cell phone, etc.. I'm used to...but asking the same questions over again - I dunno...

Please tell me this is still ADHD but, maybe a more stressed out ALS version! :mad:
Check out seasonal affective disorder my husband has had it for two months. Now is the time of the year it is at it's worst won't improve unless we have sunshine or he takes medication.
"He will ask me a question and I will answer and then he will ask me a couple of hours later the same question"

Isn't that just being married? Sorry CJ I can't help you other than being a smart ass.
CJ I think an answer to your question is almost impossible to come up with. My husband has CIDP and he goes through episodes of doing what your husband does. If I point it out, he totally denies that he has repeated himself or that he has lost whatever. Often I think someone with a serious disease ruminates and has ongoing depression that causes them to be preoccupied causing short term memory problems, but at other times I think it is the disease itself causing impairment. But I lean a bit toward them being preoccupied, depressed, and keeping those thoughts to themselves so as not to worry their loved ones.
Hopefully it is just the ADD. Jim was treated for depression first, ADD second and then diagnosed with FTD. He would ask stupid things like that - to the point where I would ask "why should I answer you again - you'll just ask me the same question in 5 minutes." In addition to the memory issues he would also answer questions not odd - used to tell him I feel like I am asking "Is the sky blue" and he'd answer "it's not purple" - I would literally ask him where something was and he'd say "it is not in the kitchen" - the neuro later said to Jim that is an acceptable answer - just like saying "it is in the kitchen." After cognitive testing it showed that his short term memory was down to less than 50% of normal.
From personal experience, DEPRESSION is a big factor. After my husband passed in 2007, my memory is extremely spotty for 2008 and half of 2009. Plus, I have short term memory loss. I am always asking the same question over and over with my daughter and she just rolls with it. At work, there are a TON of sticky notes. On the bright side, a lot of times I can watch a movie or something on TV and never remember it and I get to watch it over the following week. (Now that drives my daughter crazy hahahaha)
Hugs Kari
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What were we talking about?

Ya, I can forget - its called being absent minded

Thats CJ for two hundred and the price is right.

The question is ...
Umm ... question is ..
Well now , what were we talkin about ?

Hey Girl , you are lookin ripped, and have a cute little smile. Now what are going to do with money?
Funny that you mention Memory...Well I have terrible short term memory....I think it is my depression meds...cymbalta! I lose everything!

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