slurred speach

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Oct 6, 2009
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I have a question regarding slurred speech, I have been told by one Dr. that I have probable ALS, I am really questioning the diagnosis. My wife has noticed some slurred speech, but it seems to only be sometimes. Does anyone ever experience this or once your speech becomes slurred it remains.
sammy, welcome to the forum but sorry that you have to be here. I was diagnosed with bulbar ALS in January of 2008 after about 6 months of slurred and then hoarse speech. My experience was that my slurring came and went at first and then got to be permanent. How long have you been experiencing symptoms?

Welcome, When symptoms of my ALS began I started with a raspy voice then I was more nasal when I spoke and eventually I began to slur. Like Barry it was about 5-6 months. Did your doctor do an EMG? All my tests were negative till I had the EMG done and was diagnosed.
Sammy, if that is your only symptom ... and even if it isn't ... I'd question the diagnosed till you have proof. So many things can cause slurred speech, from stroke, to Parkinson's, to Myasthenia Gravis and tons of others, that a neuro has to systematically eliminate everything else.

In my case, the slurred speech started abruptly, seemed to improve for a while when I started speech therapy nine months later, then got worse and never improved again. Every case is unique. But I'd keep questioning until they prove it to your satisfaction. It's not a diagnosed to throw around lightly.
Sammy, Beth is right (as always) with her advice for you to question your doctor. Are you being seen by a neurologist at an ALS clinic? I wouldn't believe anyone else and even then only after a lot of other possibilities were ruled out.
My case is very confusing, I have 2 frozen shoulders, which I know is an orthopedic issue,
I have muscle wasting and fasiculations in both arms which I think is from the frozen shoulders. I have lost some muscle in my legs, I feel fatigued and weaker thank I was a year ago. On exam they notice some weakness in my left leg and upper arms. Other than that my strength is okay. They have done numerous blood tests, Brain MRI and Cervical spine MRI, Shoulder MRIs. All were normal with the exception of some arthritis in my shoulder. I have a hoffman's relfex bilaterally, I am not convinced with the diagnosis of ALS, but did become a little concerned when my wife noted the slurred speech in the past month. It does improve. Thank you all for you comments and advice it is truly appreciated.

I am from Philly also which nuero's are you seeing? Did you have an EMG yet?
Hi Sammy - I too started with slurred speech and it was rather variable. I had good days and bad days with it, and even sometimes from hour to hour it would seem to vary in quality.

You have had a lot of tests but if you haven't had an EMG yet, as other as have said here you should definitely have one. It is premature for the neurologist to say "probable ALS" without such testing. Some doctors tend to jump the gun on those opinions.

I know it is hard when you have the possibility of ALS in the picture. But there is still good reason for hope, there are many different things that can cause these kinds of symptoms. And even if you get the bad news of an ALS diagnosis, all hope is not lost. These forums have been a lifeline for me, reading the many positive and encouraging thoughts from people who are handling this disease with such strength and poise. But you are not there yet, there will be plenty of time for dealing with bad news if it comes. Right now you should focus on the hope for good news, continue to enjoy life and do the things that bring happiness.
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