I only have twitching and my doctor wants me to be tested for LAS/MND?

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New member
Aug 14, 2017
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Western Australia
Hey there,

I have had twitching for the past three weeks. Mainly located to one location in my right tricep. It seems like five to twenty times a day I will feel it just going pop pop pop and see it through my shirt.

While it started in the tricep within two weeks I was having little ones through my legs (both legs) these are really minor and frequent compared to tricep. Even in my tummy, shoulder, feet and whatnot.

Is it strange for my doctor to be recommending this so early? He said the fact the twitches have lasted for three weeks and that I can see them through my shirt really concern him. Also I'm only in my mid 20's.. From what I see on this forum twitching is not usually (dare I say never) the first sign of ALS.

I have no clinical weakness as far as I can tell, still go to the gym and do tons of tricep work outs (almost to prove I don't have weakness) and have no issue with them whatsoever.

Any help would be appreciated, I feel a little helpless right now.
Hi mate I'm an aussie, over on the east coast. Do you trust your GP (I presume this is your GP you are talking about?)

If he is going to refer you to a neuro you need to see one that actually deals with MND. A general neuro will be hopeless. We have 2 diagnoses per day in the entire country, so it's possibly your neuro has never had a patient with MND.

If you really trust him/her, ask to see a neuro that works in an MND clinic. If not, go see another GP and ask what should be the first types of tests for a young man with a few twitches.

You are right, twitching on its own is not a cause for concern yet at all!
Ditto. Although your post contained nothing of concern, I would always follow the doctor's orders.
It can't hurt to get the work up for MND, but I would be startled to get that recommendation too.

I think a specialist may well be surprised you were referred at this point too, but again an EMG/NCS is not harmful in the least. For things having nothing whatsoever to do with any MND, it might be a fine idea to have a neuro do a clinical exam.
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