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Mar 20, 2016
Learn about ALS
Hello everyone. I have read the stickies and read theough some other threads and really appreciate the time you take to answer all of our concerns. I am 32 y/o female and for a week now am experiencing extreme weakness in my right leg. It is hard to walk around, my feels heavy and it also twitches. But my left leg twitches as well. I lift my leg and cannot keep it up, it shakes then falls. My right hand feels weak as well. I understand perceived weakness from reading the stickies. I just want to know if it starts as feelig weak and then just stops working? I do not have a Neuro appt and am rather disturbed with the symptoms. I somtimes get a pain in my cald when it is twitching. If anyone can gibe their advise whether this sounds like als?
I want to add that I have had blood word done all my labs normal except positive ANA. I am negative for lupus.
Hi Mom. All of the folks that I've known who had ALS did not start by feeling weak. They first noticed something, an arm or a leg or a hand, that did not work. One man could no longer hold his golf clubs or button his shirts. Another friend fell repeatedly when he would put his leg down to get off his bike. Another began tripping over one of his feet. When the nerve dies and the muscle fails, that is when to suspect ALS.

Twitches are really common and don't mean ALS, and most of us feel weakness at times. I don't know why you mean by feeling extreme weakness but if you are really worried you should go see your doctor and let her determine what is going on. I do not know what you have going on but I think your worries are way ahead of you. God bless.
Thank you so much for responding. I did read one person saying that the weakness wasn't just not being able to hold a gallon of milk but little things as it started. Right now, I can walk up the stairs but it is difficult. My right leg feels weak, and I have read by other member that you won't feel the'll just happen. Even right now my leg has tiny vibrations, or maybe spasms that do not stop. I am worried and this is stressing me out. I even did all the neuro tests, which make me sound crazy, but I cannot walk or stand on my heals. I sway. I guess I have to go to a GP and see what he thinks but was just wondering from experienced people if this sounded like ALS.
Dear ConcearnedMom32,

ALS is a very rare disease, especially in people of your age. Further your description does not fit into the picture of ALS. For your own reasurrance, you should arrange an appointment at the neurologist. He can rule out that something pathological is going on. Symptoms like muscle twitching or (perceived) weakness are often a product of harmless causes like anxiety or stress or diseases which are much more less severe than ALS.

Best greets from Germany.
So I had to see my cardio today and mentioned my right leg weakness and he did a quick exam and said that my right leg is mildly weaker than the left. Now I am really freaaking out about ALS because I can feel the weekness.
When you saw your doctor did you mention that you had a concern about ALS? What did he say about that? Did he check your reflexes, look carefully for twitches and wasting muscles? Did he have you stand on your toes and heels and walk heel-toe down the tile lines in his office? Mom, there are so many things a doc is going to look at when you tell him you're worried about ALS... did he give you any any explanations for your pain? Did he think there was a difference in leg strength enough to look at it deeper, or did he kinda blow it off? Did he seem concerned enough to tell you to see your physician, or suggest referring you to a neuro?

I am in a family that has genetic ALS. I could probably tell lots of stories on all of us worrying about it and bugging our doctors about it. One of my sibs recently saw a doc for some worry and the doc was very understanding and checked very thoroughly all the things that might lead him to question if it was ALS, but in the end the doc said "no way, NOT ALS". Now they are concentrating on another physical thing that they found and my sib says they feel great!

If you didn't mention your fear of ALS to your doc, please call him back and be honest about what you are concerned about... he can't help if he doesn't know. Good luck, and I hope you find out soon.
He did said I need to go back to my GP and I mentioned I was scared and he said yes weakness in one leg can be many scary things. Which did not help of course. It seems like when I read other posts some things are contridictions which confuses me. Some said it was the muscle just completely stopped working but then say I did have some weakness beforehand. It is all very confusing. Now that a Dr agreed that my right is weaker, it scares me. And I have been getting spasms in that leg as well. He didn't do the extra tests that a Neuro would prob do, but I did them at home. I can walk on my tip toes and the heel toe walk is clumsy. I am so beyond scared and have two young kids that I have been having trouble picking up. It makes me so sad.
I certainly do understand the fear and the sad, and I feel for you being a young mom with two kids ( one of my daughters is just a tad older with two kids as well). But please try to relax a bit and wait until you see your GP. ALS is a very rare disease that more often happens to folks older than yourself. Concentrate on that rather than what you think you feel like.

Yes, it does seem to have lots of contradictions that makes it confusing. ALS is different for everyone. But one thing I do know about it is that we cannot diagnose ourselves. Twitching and cramps are common to lots of things. We can't really test our own reflexes in any meaningful way and the only self test for balance I know for sure is falling down. Wait to do the reflexes and balancing for your doctor and let him decide. There are other things a doc will look at but I haven't mentioned them because they would not help you. But try not to worry unless and until he tells you to (which I don't think will happen). Call the GP, make an appointment, then forget about it and stay off the internet :) Refocus on the kids and today, that's where life is happening right now!
Thank you for trying to make me feel better. I am scared and worried about this weakness. I have no idea how I am going to sleep tonight.
I am getting more upset because now I cannot lift my son with my right arm. If I do, it gets all shaky and I have to put him down. I can lift him with my right arm fine. My right leg is still weak and keeps getting spasms all day. I cant help but cry because I am so scared.
Good morning Mom. How are the kids today? Did you call your GP for an appointment yet? That should be the first thing on your list today after you get the kids taken care of. Be sure to tell them on the phone about both your symptoms and your anxiety over this. They will know what to do.
My kids are okay although I am not. I am seeing my GP today at three. My wrist is weak and while I can lift things, it is hard and I cannot hold it for long. Same side, my leg is weak and I have not stumbled yet but it is weaker than normer. I do have hyper reflexes and just don't understand how this can all be happening. I am so sad and scared and I am trying to remain calm but these symptoms are not allowing me to. This is my predominent side that is being affected.
Wish I could be there and hear the doctor's response. No matter what the result, please let us know how it goes.
The GP said that there is slight weakness and it is not als. My question is, how the hell would he know that without a test? My reflexes were also very hyper. Any input would be helpful. I am so scared.
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