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New member
Feb 4, 2015
Learn about ALS
HELLO I'm 24 years old and was fairly healthy, but soon after I gave birth too my daughter 6 months ago I began to have symptoms. I don't know what they mean, my legs began to ache like when you get the flu. 2 months later my arm muscles started to hurt and be tender to touch along with leg muscles. My feet ache bad feels like a deep ache, worse when resting. My fingers and toes are stiff all the time. The base of my thumb is always very sore. My muscles get tired much quicker than normal, and I get out of breath faster. I also get twitches all the time throughout my body. I saw a neuro, and rhuemo. Both know nothing yet I have a emg on all four extremities on the 24th. Should I be concerned of als I'm so scared. Help
Your sudden aches and pains have nothing to do with als, as is explained in the Sticky.

Please read the sticky note at the top of this forum titled "New Members: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING!"

Most of your questions will be answered there. If they're not answered, then ask here.

LEAHGIRL, I read all your posts and no, you don't have ALS. No way, no how.
We're not doctors, so we can't tell you what you have, but we DO KNOW ALS very well, and I can assure you that you don't have ALS.
Calm down. You have no reason to be scared.
I'm now the third member to comment, and usually I don't if others have but I will pile on.

In your previous thread you reported the same symptoms and were referred to read the sticky and you said you had.

Yet you continue to report symptoms that are NOT ALS, not by any stretch of the imagination, and are clearly shown why in the sticky.
We have done all we can, over 2 threads and 2 months. Please go back to your doctors, enjoy your baby, and get help for your anxiety, it could be post natal depression, but we are not doctors so you need yours to work this out with you. Be honest with your doctor as to how anxious you are so that it can be addressed.

We only deal with ALS here and find it hard enough to deal with our own terminal illness, so I'm sorry but you must take your anxiety elsewhere.

All the best, whatever is going on can be solved with doctors.
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