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Nov 12, 2017
Learn about ALS
Hello all and this is my first post on the forum.
Sorry for my unperfect english but i'm italian... :)
Let me introduce my questions...
4 years ago my mum started to have some problems with left leg and especially in walking.
She put her foot in a strange way,like if she hasn't the control.
After some visits to neurologist she has several suggest and exams,for Parkinson,back disease,etc.
No one understand what happen and the story goes.
In 2015 she met an orthopedics which gave Lyrica for pain,fasciculation and cramps and a Codivilla support in order to walk better.
First Emg talks about some muscles that has no activity and some electrical potential into the exam,very similar to a motorneuron disease.
But the orthopedics says that this problem for him is a neuropathy and if my mum wants can go to the Als expert centre in turin.
Due to the fact that she hasn t any other syntomps she decide to wait before the indicated visit.
Then we arrive to this year and in september she noticed that has more difficult to walk.
I want to put in evidence that she can walk for 300-400 metres and she can do scale to enter in her house.
So the walk is steppage due to the problem but no any other probles on other bodies parts occured.
In the end,we have a visit to Als centre and the problem now is on left leg,very minor problem on right leg and shoulder muscle without any syntoms for her.
Doctors noticed an eye more closed to the other and no other problem.they put in evidence that no Babinsky sign,no Hoffman sign,no fasciculation.
The conclusion is "suspect motor neuron disease".
But i'm very confused about timing and syntomps.
It is a very long time without any other body affection,except of left leg that it is suffer than the right.
Is it possible to have als after 4 years in this condition?or it is possible that she has a different motor neuron diseas?
Doctors said that during next month she has more exams to investigate better.
Please if someone has some ideas or wants to say something is very helpful and appreciate.
Sorry for ny english and if something is not clear i can try to explain better.
Thanks in advance
Marco, it is possible this is another MND. It is possible for the disease to sit without progress for four years.

It is not usual, but it is possible.

I cannot give any diagnosis over the internet. Your mother's symptoms are unusual.

Good luck with the doctors.
Hi Marco,
Did she have a CT or MRI of the brain and spine, to look for other reasons for nerve problems, like a stroke or tumor?

Hello all,
during next month we have some exams like blood, some exam for back and portion of brain (near to where the motoneuron start their impulse).
also doctors said that they are quite confident that it is not the usual kind of als but it is difficult to understand what....
my mind is focus on the future and i'm quite worried about time and next step.
on the other hands i have under my eyes the situation that it is stable and not so bad in term of symptoms.
everything it is, has a very slow progression but i think it is needed to understand the name of this in order to have the best support and the best approach.
thank you so much!
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