
General terms are available that encompass commonly used terms for patients newly diagnosed. ulnar nerve

General Terms

bulbar ALS

Bulbar ALS is a type of ALS where onset symptoms are in the facial muscles, speech and affect swallowing.


Slowness of thought processes resulting from disease and/or as a side effect from psychiatric medications. Patients are described as inattentive and slow thinking - but not demented.

blood brain barrier

A protective barrier formed by the blood vessels and glia of the brain. It prevents some substances in the blood from entering brain tissue.

blink rate

The number of times per minute that the eyelid automatically closes; normally 10 to 30 per minute.


The process of developing tools and processes to quantify and collect data to study biological systems logically.


The chemistry of biology; the application of the tools and concepts of chemistry to living systems. Biochemists study the structures and physical properties of biological molecules.

Bell's palsy

An unexplained episode of facial muscle weakness or paralysis that begins suddenly and steadily worsens.

Basal ganglia

Several large clusters of nerve cells, including the striatum and the substantia nigra, deep in the brain below the cerebral hemispheres. The basal ganglia, or basal nuclei, are a group of nuclei of varied origin in the brains of vertebrates that act as a cohesive functioning unit.


The long, hair-like extension of a nerve cell that carries a message to the next nerve cell.
